The Devil's Advocate
Call me Dad
I'm with you that you CAN connect the dots. We all were in these threads, calling out endings. This was discussed as an outcome.Haven't read the books at all. Tried reading the first book, and it started really dry for me, so I put it down something like 10 years ago, and have yet to pick it back up. I just watched the show along with everyone else, so I don't really have a bias or preference to go off of.
However, I've watched enough TV and movies to know a setup when I see one. The problem with Dany for a lot of people is that they often take a character being a protagonist as automatically being right, despite their flaws. The biggest red flag presented throughout the entire series was that everything about her pursuit of the Iron Throne was centered around her believing herself to be entitled to it by birthright. She lives out her life believing that she is a queen in exile who will return as a beloved savior, and has a massive messiah complex. She's told multiple times by everyone around her that her approach ultimately won't work, but most of her solutions are "But I got dragons, tho." It was painfully obvious that she was never going to be the kind and just ruler she thought she was going to be. Her snapping at the end is SUPPOSED to be a culmination of her having nearly every single dream of hers snatched away by someone else (Jon is the actual heir to the throne, and clearly the better option as ruler, she loses her spot as fire slinging savior because Arya is the one to kill the Night King, not her or her remaining dragon, and on top of that the people of Westeros aren't fukking with her like that), but they fukked it up by serving her most of those Ls in the previous four episodes because they blew through the last two seasons.
I'm saying they never drove that point. She was constantly making moves to win over the people. Every murder or killing she made could be justified. And if you lean towards mistakes like burning up The dad and dikkon.. She usually was remorseful, and then made other moves to make it right. There was nothing loopy in her kills. There was no torture or killing just to kill. It didn't usually come in quick anger. She didn't have mental breakdown. She wins.. They ring the bells.. She looks at the castle like fukk them..... Heads straight for the Lannisters....
And then starts systematically burning down innocent people and buildings

Look at the flight pattern.. She just weaving back and forth, not even heading towards the castle, so she can mow down more people..

That was some batshyt crazy shyt that was not reinforcement by anything that happened in that show. You're right. If they didn't rush it, they had 2-3 good seasons of her turning, even slightly, to land that shyt.