its the busiest airport...IN THE WORLD...shyt is bound to happenI thought you were gonna say they lost one of your bags.
Seriously, wtf is up with Hartsfield losing bags?
shyt is hilarious low-key
they stay trying to push blacks out but forget where that money is
CNN ran a special segment back in 2000-2001 about how much money the urban music scene brought into the community (it was some
superfluous amount, but it seemed great).
Imagine what those figures are now, now that ATL is the mecca of black entertainment (not just for that region or the south, or even the country for that matter --- but we're talking the globe!).
*in Ludacris voice*
"chilllliininininin ininininn a limmmimimiimimimited whhhhhaaaaatttttt..."
The olympics in ATL is cited as one of the most successful ever based on how much it literally changed the city