when was the moment you realized white people were pretty much widespread racist pieces of shyt?

Ghost Utmost

The Soul of the Internet
May 2, 2012
the Aether
I have always known there was a cohort of white people that were not reasonable and were bent on destruction

I just was super confused about the numbers. I figured maybe 1/3 was hardcore racist

Trump taught me that it's easily 2/3

When the numbers are that high it doesn't matter if it's 2/3 or 9/10 . You have to make a plolicy shift once you know that MOST white people are KKK Nazi types

shyt is scary when you think about what Nazis do when they get power

It's crazy. Like I was suddenly in a different universe

(Not talking about the very existence of racism or it's depths, just the utter scope of it in the white community)
Aug 16, 2017
When social media and comment sections became the norm, I put the pieces of the puzzle together, and noticed I was always treated differently. The straw that broke the camel's back was a friend I had for 10 years postings racist memes, and saying I shouldn't be offended because I'm not like other blacks. He works at the local car wash by the way.


Apr 24, 2015
Seeing movies and reading was one way but the best way was meeting them personally and interacting with them you don't learn until you experience it first hand, that's when I noticed a lot of them still carry that hate they had in the past and they still have a system in place to keep us at the bottom that's why I can't fukk with a majority of them even the so-called liberal whites who pat themselves on the back for doing a few chants or going to impoverished countries to "help" black children while putting it on their resume for brownie points, it's a system created for them to thrive and my people to suffer, and even with all this they still have the gull to be hateful.
Dec 27, 2017
I don't remember the EXACT moment, but I remember always trying to explain my experiences of being confronted with racism and even the "coolest" white people that I was once close to would either deny it, get defensive (even when it wasn't them being discussed in the experience), or downplay the incident. After enough of these incidents and coming on here and seeing people say, "ALL white people are racist", I finally went from :patrice: to :ohhh:.

Since then I've realized that no matter how "chill" these motherfukkers might seem, they will never understand the black experience which makes them absolutely ignorant on our struggles in society almost worldwide and their complicit ignorance makes them oblivious to their own racism. :francis:




Oct 21, 2014
When social media and comment sections became the norm, I put the pieces of the puzzle together, and noticed I was always treated differently. The straw that broke the camel's back was a friend I had for 10 years postings racist memes, and saying I shouldn't be offended because I'm not like other blacks. He works at the local car wash by the way.
Instances like these are legitimately traumatuzing :francis:


Jan 9, 2015
When I abandoned all logic and reason. When I realized that the actions of some can accurately predict the actions and attitudes of everyone else that looks like them.

When I ignored the fact that most white people Ive interacted with were just regular ass people.

When I got on TheColi and realized that the white cop that caught me with weed and let me go, my white friend of four years, the super friendly boss I have at my job, and all the awesome white teachers Ive had over the years, were all secretly plotting on my downfall. Because its impossible for a single white person to not have racial bias.

Yall got it backwards, some white people are unabashedly racist pieces of shyt. fukk em. But its extemely illogical and disingenuous to make the argument that the vast majority of white people are racist.

The most simple and easy counter argument I can provide, without doing a ton of research, is, the millions of white people who voted a black family in the white house, twice. That alone wouldve been impossible if the majority of white people were racist.

Ghost Utmost

The Soul of the Internet
May 2, 2012
the Aether
When I abandoned all logic and reason. When I realized that the actions of some can accurately predict the actions and attitudes of everyone else that looks like them.

When I ignored the fact that most white people Ive interacted with were just regular ass people.

When I got on TheColi and realized that the white cop that caught me with weed and let me go, my white friend of four years, the super friendly boss I have at my job, and all the awesome white teachers Ive had over the years, were all secretly plotting on my downfall. Because its impossible for a single white person to not have racial bias.

Yall got it backwards, some white people are unabashedly racist pieces of shyt. fukk em. But its extemely illogical and disingenuous to make the argument that the vast majority of white people are racist.

The most simple and easy counter argument I can provide, without doing a ton of research, is, the millions of white people who voted a black family in the white house, twice. That alone wouldve been impossible if the majority of white people were racist.

I think the term "racism" is kinda vague but let me define it so that we can at least have a objective measure

'Thinking of everyone race-first. Assuming people are racial stereotypes'

Trying to separate the malice from the basic idea that race mostly defines the individual.

We have additional words to describe a malicious racist. 'Terrorist' is simple enough for the overtly violent actors, but there's 'discrimination' and 'nepotism' and 'bias' that cover subtle maneuvers which enforce white supremacy

So your super cool teachers are definitely racist. Just as much as every American is racist. Black people consider others race-first, too.

Being racist doesn't mean you have to be mean to people. You may think cats are terrible pets without kicking cats or even badmouthing them. You could more easily ignore cats than fight them at every turn.


You might love dogs. You never think a dog is worthy enough to have actual freedom. If he tries to escape you track him down. If he bites your brat you might kill him. If he does something wrong you prolly physically beat him. But you loooove dogs. You just KNOW they are not worthy of making their own decisions.

The white person who is being super nice prolly pities you. Or they might think you're a miracle among the Blacks.

But they still think Black people are the stereotypes. They would be horrified to find you in their daughters bedroom. Watch how fast all that buddy buddy shyt dries up if you were directly competing with them or asking that teacher can you date his child.

And of course you can have enlightened people of any type that can see thru all this bullshyt. So the statement that ALL of any group is any one way is always false

But of white people, about 2/3 just think you ain't shyt and never gone be shyt. The other 1/3 are at least neutral toward other races. There's some percent that are all about Black people.

But of the 2/3, prolly only about like 1/3 of the 2/3 is about that action. The rest will cheer the shyt on. Even alot of your "cool" white people might just stay out of it as long as they are not being attacked...

So there's your Nazi thing. A hardcore group of terrorists surrounded by hordes of supporters.. or bystanders who look the other way.

Stay woke and all. I was neck deep in a conservative area when I realized and came back to the crib. To the hood.
Aug 16, 2017
When I abandoned all logic and reason. When I realized that the actions of some can accurately predict the actions and attitudes of everyone else that looks like them.

When I ignored the fact that most white people Ive interacted with were just regular ass people.

When I got on TheColi and realized that the white cop that caught me with weed and let me go, my white friend of four years, the super friendly boss I have at my job, and all the awesome white teachers Ive had over the years, were all secretly plotting on my downfall. Because its impossible for a single white person to not have racial bias.

Yall got it backwards, some white people are unabashedly racist pieces of shyt. fukk em. But its extemely illogical and disingenuous to make the argument that the vast majority of white people are racist.

The most simple and easy counter argument I can provide, without doing a ton of research, is, the millions of white people who voted a black family in the white house, twice. That alone wouldve been impossible if the majority of white people were racist.

I've met biracial people who have told me their white parents and family members are racist, so voting a black person into office, or being nice to us means nothing.
May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
When I abandoned all logic and reason. When I realized that the actions of some can accurately predict the actions and attitudes of everyone else that looks like them.

When I ignored the fact that most white people Ive interacted with were just regular ass people.

When I got on TheColi and realized that the white cop that caught me with weed and let me go, my white friend of four years, the super friendly boss I have at my job, and all the awesome white teachers Ive had over the years, were all secretly plotting on my downfall. Because its impossible for a single white person to not have racial bias.

Yall got it backwards, some white people are unabashedly racist pieces of shyt. fukk em. But its extemely illogical and disingenuous to make the argument that the vast majority of white people are racist.

The most simple and easy counter argument I can provide, without doing a ton of research, is, the millions of white people who voted a black family in the white house, twice. That alone wouldve been impossible if the majority of white people were racist.

Stephen from Django would be proud of you

Fani Willis fan

moderate not liberal
Jan 27, 2016
When I abandoned all logic and reason. When I realized that the actions of some can accurately predict the actions and attitudes of everyone else that looks like them.

When I ignored the fact that most white people Ive interacted with were just regular ass people.

When I got on TheColi and realized that the white cop that caught me with weed and let me go, my white friend of four years, the super friendly boss I have at my job, and all the awesome white teachers Ive had over the years, were all secretly plotting on my downfall. Because its impossible for a single white person to not have racial bias.

Yall got it backwards, some white people are unabashedly racist pieces of shyt. fukk em. But its extemely illogical and disingenuous to make the argument that the vast majority of white people are racist.

The most simple and easy counter argument I can provide, without doing a ton of research, is, the millions of white people who voted a black family in the white house, twice. That alone wouldve been impossible if the majority of white people were racist.
Racism doesnt have to be abrasive or hostile.
People, like yourself, just automatically jump to that conclusion.

Cheese McNair

Bought it this morning, drive it like I stole it
Jan 13, 2016
2/3 of every race thinks theyā€™re better than the other races.


Faroole ii geeya
Oct 16, 2014
When I abandoned all logic and reason. When I realized that the actions of some can accurately predict the actions and attitudes of everyone else that looks like them.

When I ignored the fact that most white people Ive interacted with were just regular ass people.

When I got on TheColi and realized that the white cop that caught me with weed and let me go, my white friend of four years, the super friendly boss I have at my job, and all the awesome white teachers Ive had over the years, were all secretly plotting on my downfall. Because its impossible for a single white person to not have racial bias.

Yall got it backwards, some white people are unabashedly racist pieces of shyt. fukk em. But its extemely illogical and disingenuous to make the argument that the vast majority of white people are racist.

The most simple and easy counter argument I can provide, without doing a ton of research, is, the millions of white people who voted a black family in the white house, twice. That alone wouldve been impossible if the majority of white people were racist.

I think it's fair to say your average white American has genuinely deep-rooted thoughts about race.

That's not really hyperbolic.

King of Creampies

Hop in. You coming too!
Feb 18, 2017
Wild Hunt
I don't remember the EXACT moment, but I remember always trying to explain my experiences of being confronted with racism and even the "coolest" white people that I was once close to would either deny it, get defensive (even when it wasn't them being discussed in the experience), or downplay the incident. After enough of these incidents and coming on here and seeing people say, "ALL white people are racist", I finally went from :patrice: to :ohhh:.

Since then I've realized that no matter how "chill" these motherfukkers might seem, they will never understand the black experience which makes them absolutely ignorant on our struggles in society almost worldwide and their complicit ignorance makes them oblivious to their own racism. :francis:

Can you imagine the white person pretending to be black or the c00n sitting right now on the Coli thinks reading this?

Imagine the anger.....

Imagine the vitrol that will come from this thought alone and you know I don't blame your anger...

They say the same shyt about us all the time and for much much less.


Nov 13, 2015
Right now, nowhere
Always had suspicions my whole life:mjpls:
2 things sealed the deal for me though, both happened in 2013
1st was the Trayvon Martin trial, I remember going to work that next day:ohhh::mjpls:atmosphere was on a whole nother level
after that I started to look up different black scholars/activists of old on youtube trying to make sense of this whole racism shyt
had to separate the real black scholars from the pseudo/fake ones:birdman::mjpls:
Then finally I stumbled across the true origin/nature of the european:scust::damn::mjcry::pacspit::mjpls: