He had his pros and cons like anyone. I think he comes across as annoying and he HAS had some real stinkers, so people don't wanna give him credit for anything. Which is unfair.
He's pretty defensive of all of his ideas too. Don't understand it. Wrestling requires insane output since they produce so much new content week after week after week.... no human alive can be that creatively on. No shame in missing the mark if your body of work is decent overall, so I don't get the need to hide it.
I think the best combo will forever be a maniac like Russo, spitballing a million ideas from left field, and someone like Vince to filter out the bad ones and put the icing on top. That's what worked, and it's never been tried again.
He's pretty defensive of all of his ideas too. Don't understand it. Wrestling requires insane output since they produce so much new content week after week after week.... no human alive can be that creatively on. No shame in missing the mark if your body of work is decent overall, so I don't get the need to hide it.
I think the best combo will forever be a maniac like Russo, spitballing a million ideas from left field, and someone like Vince to filter out the bad ones and put the icing on top. That's what worked, and it's never been tried again.