Rap Guerilla
Man I should rewatch the spanks sopranos again. This show had so much unintentional comedy

I forgot this part..this nygga approached Tony talking about blood pressure medication made him want to SUCK D1CK@beaniemac
"The chinks did this?Chris was the most non threatening gangster ever. He was just funny.
Or When Junior was watching tv and thought he was larry davidthe way paulie tossed that chair at the ghosts while calling em queers is still top 3 tv comedy moment
And the way paulie out his hand over his heart when he heard the news on vito.. lmao
Another great is junior getting mad he missed part of his soap opera and calls the girl a bouton for fukking everyone on the show.
I forgot this part..this nygga approached Tony talking about blood pressure medication made him want to SUCK D1CK@beaniemac
I’m going to kill myself the way you eat you’re going to have. A heart attack by the time you are 50
Or When Junior was watching tv and thought he was larry david