When Cena gets outcheered by Bryan, will he sandbag him too?


Street Terrorist
May 1, 2012
So your admitting that because he went at the rock that's why you dislike him . Oh and really only you keep saying aj was carrying anything in the rating threads it was mentioned several times when Bryan or aj segments wouldn't be getting ratings but punk would . You would do the lowest increase segment yada yada bull and say how punk complains and doesn't draw . Punk didn't steal anything the characters aren't the same and similar catch phrases have been used before . You realize your whole argument is boiling Down to ratings . And you can say punk complains but he does it for other wrestlers ( ziggler , cesaro etc ) oh and mania 28 ?? Main event sucked punk was right the match was horrible

Admit? What are you..dense? I said he's a double talker. He only meant to increase his ends and refuses to acknowledge his shortcomings and acts like a hater. He had to do all of that for someone like you to like him and be drawn to him..to think he was a rebel and different from the more corporate Cena. That's the only admission I see in your posts when you are offended someone doesn't bow down to him and his mediocre work as of late.

My whole argument boils down to ratings? Yeah..run with that train of thought. In the mean time, your types were happy when his McMahon and Rock segments did big numbers instead of getting bashed weekly by the new pundits as some of the lowest in history before then. The "Turn the blind eye" gimmick if you will.

Yes of course give aj and dbry all the credit for everything just like you do for the rock

Yes I give AJ and Bryan the credit..because until then, the ratings for his feuds were a fukking joke.

Beautiful Bobby Eatin

May 1, 2012
Terra Belle, Georgia
He's not the same guy. There's cracks at hand. He was jealous over the main event of WM 28..whined about it weekly in several interviews while at the same time pumping up some phantom match with Austin that was never going to happen. Hypocrisy. He's conveniently phony about things..his own push increased and he got paid more...won more...got more t shirts but it was definitely still the same shyt. The Cena show. He was getting points for besting Jericho in that first promo because "Jericho was never the man like he's the man" but he's taking a backseat to Cena specialty matches against Lesnar and Johnny L. You liked those talk a big game promos but when they result in the same boring shyt? It comes off at overpraise..especially when AJ Lee main event segments were more watched than those "great" promos. Is he a Rebel or just a company backed guy? Considering how many people put him over since the summer of 2011..you tell me.

Its kind of funny to hear someone say something is tired and corny yet diverts attention from him stealing Danielson's whole schick to come up and steal from KENTA to stand out. Obvious things that have to be questioned and looked at..especially when your changes generates just 2.5s as WWE Champion.
Ok lets break it down one by one...

If I was a WWE superstar who came in with a buzz and was converting casual fans in non smark towns and an overall better wrestler id be mad at Miz main eventing over me too. He created buzz in a potential feud with his childhood hero Stone Cold. Whats wrong with that? It would be huge money. How is that in any way hypocrisy? If D Bry did the same youd love it and correct me if im wrong but isnt the rock currently doing the same to get a role in the next Star Wars movie? Its smart business and has been done for ages.

Next, his big promo was a worked shoot. He dont give a fukk about ice cream sandwiches. Hes about money, always has been and he always should be. Staying with the Rock example do you think he came back for only the fans? The man promoted the everloving shyt out of his movies with the deal. So of course there was something in it for him. Why cant Punk put himself in a position to make more too?

You expect anyone in this lifetime to booked over Cena? And somehow this is Punk's fault?! How? How does he have bearing on what place on the card hes on? Even Savage was booked under Hogan. Btw you are the ONLY one who calls him a rebel.

I cant front on the Best in the World thing. He took it. Probably did with Bryan's blessing. There doesnt seem to be heat between the two so who cares? He uses KENTA's finish.
So? He used Tenzan's before that and HHH's from the top rope before that. You were a fan of his then. This is irrelevant.

And ratings, the ones that dropped when Vince decided to abandon what brought them in the first place. Yeah that has to be his fault too. The only person who consistiently brings the ratings back is The Rock because he has a built in old school fanbase, period. He also wasnt overexposed as he disappeared from the scene for some 7 years. Damn Punk for not keeping those ratings sharp, damn him straight to hell!!!!!

No seriously, why do you hate dude so much? :ld:


Street Terrorist
May 1, 2012
Ok lets break it down one by one...

If I was a WWE superstar who came in with a buzz and was converting casual fans in non smark towns and an overall better wrestler id be mad at Miz main eventing over me too. He created buzz in a potential feud with his childhood hero Stone Cold. Whats wrong with that? It would be huge money. How is that in any way hypocrisy? If D Bry did the same youd love it and correct me if im wrong but isnt the rock currently doing the same to get a role in the next Star Wars movie? Its smart business and has been done for ages.

Who was converting non smark fans? Who are you talking about? He created buzz in 2011 with Austin? No he didn't. No one was really talking about that in any facet until after the Rock/Cena match had been done. Austin and him did the video game promotion and then energy picked up again on it. As for it being huge money? Nothing CM Punk has touched has been "huge" money to date. Austin's return would be huge money no matter what..everyone knows that. Be it against Cena, Punk, or Bryan. It's pretty much a sure thing. What you want is for Punk to be given credit and benefited with being around an Austin for that return..to embark more credit on what you think is some "underrated" run right now.

I'm not sure what the Rock is doing with Star Wars. Last I checked, he was in Hungary shooting Hercules and trying to also make it in time for Fast 7.
Next, his big promo was a worked shoot. He dont give a fukk about ice cream sandwiches. Hes about money, always has been and he always should be. Staying with the Rock example do you think he came back for only the fans? The man promoted the everloving shyt out of his movies with the deal. So of course there was something in it for him. Why cant Punk put himself in a position to make more too?

You're talking in what ifs and perceptions. You don't know why the Rock came back. You're guessing..even vilifying that a guy that makes more money than the McMahon family a year needed the WWE machine for anything. Are you sane, my friend? The Rock has been dropping #1 and 2 movies yearly since 2001. He needs nothing from Vince McMahon..he's a guy that gets badgered about returning all the time..or he did during that away period and that's why he came back if you want to dissect it and pick it apart to try to make CM Punk seem less selfish and not money hungry. The WWE promoted the ever loving shyt out of his movies..he didn't bring up movies during his feuds at all. Punk and Cena did though...Punk used to hype the feud while Cena sounded extremely bitter and jealous that he was so accepted after being gone for 7 years. Tried to make it be about the Rock not liking his clothes and not liking rap music...all kind of weird Boston/West Newburry bullshyt spinning to justify his whining over a icon who's particular MO he copied to success in 2004 and 2005 under a rapper guise.

You expect anyone in this lifetime to booked over Cena? And somehow this is Punk's fault?! How? How does he have bearing on what place on the card hes on? Even Savage was booked under Hogan. Btw you are the ONLY one who calls him a rebel.

I expect if you want to make money going forward..you better book someone over Cena. Before Rock came back, Cena was kicked out of the WM main event. It was about Undertaker streaks, Cripple H vs Blandy, Mayweather, Trump/McMahon/Austin, etc. Yeah..if you're a real star, you kick Cena out of the main event like at last year's Summerslam or the recent Lesnar match where he went over.

I cant front on the Best in the World thing. He took it. Probably did with Bryan's blessing. There doesnt seem to be heat between the two so who cares? He uses KENTA's finish.
So? He used Tenzan's before that and HHH's from the top rope before that. You were a fan of his then. This is irrelevant.

There is no heat. Bryan doesn't give a damn about that stuff because he knows he's gonna get over anyway. All I'm saying is that Punk isn't original and you got his fans talking about "corny" promos and trying to act like he's on some Stone Cold 1996 hot streak of promos that are revolutionizing the industry but he's not. It's not making waves. His "too short to box with gods" line doesn't get repeated anywhere but this spot and a few geek outposts that no one has ever heard of. Period.

As for him using Pepsi Plunge? Who cares. Kenta's already called him out on his stealing last year or the year before. Fan of his? I'm a fan of no one except the Rock, Macho Man, Austin, Eddie, Robert De Niro, Angelina Jolie, MB, and a multitude of sports stars. Tupac Shakur too. I liked his work and it was undeniably good at a time but he went off track and has yet to find his way again. It's funny..when he started to count to fans, you know after the Rock feud, you didn't want to give him credit for that. As if he MAGICALLY started being more watched on his own merits instead of working with the Rock. LOL. It's ridiculous. Phony. Shaky. Agenda based.

And ratings, the ones that dropped when Vince decided to abandon what brought them in the first place. Yeah that has to be his fault too. The only person who consistiently brings the ratings back is The Rock because he has a built in old school fanbase, period. He also wasnt overexposed as he disappeared from the scene for some 7 years. Damn Punk for not keeping those ratings sharp, damn him straight to hell!!!!!

If CM Punk was truly captivating, if these promos and matches were that great and as good as you and others proclaim them to be, then the ratings should be high for his stuff. He would be more bought than he's has been without the Rock on PPV. That's what happened with Steve Austin..what's what happened with the Rock..what's what happened with Bill Goldberg. All these "he was gone for 7 years" and that's why they watch? Man, if he was a nobody piece of shyt knucklehead like Nash has become, who was a HUGE name around the time the Rock was hot, why doesn't Nash increase anything? Why is the Rock the ONLY one who can? You speak like it's some sure thing..no one had to buy the Rock or watch his segments to the degree they had but they chose to because he's legit. Punk apparently isn't which is why there is a chip on the shoulders of his fanbase and their apprehensive nature on topics on where drawing has to be discussed to validate a push.

No seriously, why do you hate dude so much? :ld:

Never said I did. I just called out the bullshyt and you got smart alleck nyggas who can't handle it..per the usual. No one here can touch me on talking about CM Punk..not at all. So they can stay mad and PRAY that his return does good numbers so all of those 5 star matches and LEGENDARY promos that stole the show and OWNED this guy and that guy can be justified in the big picture for once.


May 2, 2012
Eagles, Canes, Kliq, Sixers
So much socially dysfunctional, stat nerd hatred. Go outside and play some whiffle ball or something. :wow:

CM Phillip the Trap King of the Ring. Keeps the computers putin' , boogedy bootin'. One of the GOATS. :wow:

Juan Cena the modern day Hogan. Consistent 5 star match provider. One of the GOATS. :wow:


BK to NJ, but always a New York Knicka
May 4, 2012
i fukking wish bryan would say something slick about the rock just to see how you turn on dude. your hate for punk over the past year or so is hilarious.


May 7, 2012
Not hate. Just facts.

Your not staring facts , well outside of the ratings and drawing spiel anyway . Your bringing your opinion in and then saying oh if he's so great why isn't he bringing in Rock numbers :wtb: how about you make an argument using only wrestling related arguments leaving out drawling as a reason to dislike him .
Because as much as you claim aj and Bryan were carrying shows during punks reign where was the record numbers they should of brought in ?? What will you say if a dbry reign does punk numbers!