It's clear you don't understand how clearances, data classification, and access to data works.Biden was a private citizen in possession of classified information just like Trump. I do know the difference and it's been shown that they've been classified and top secret. You can point to oops it was at my former office, but the garage and house? The only difference is trump refused to return them and obstructed. For political reasons he won't be indicted. Garland is not going to rock the boat. Sitting on the news before the elections was a terrible look too. I don't know how many times you guys have to see it to believe it. Please continue with the snarkiness. This is why democrats are painted as out of touch elites. The hopium highs you guys are on is surely a sight to see
You seem to be caught up on how you think it should be vs how it works in reality.
No point and continuing here since you're just trolling.