All Madden
I think you have the wrong interpretation of what music theory is. Music came first, then dudes in the middle ages, renaissance tried to figure it out in a logical way - and there is logic involved in music. Yes, music is an art, but it's also mathematics. Why certain notes (intervals, harmonies) go together better or "consonant" is because their frequencies link up in a "neater" way (for lack of a better description). Why do some chords create tension/dissonance? It's, again, the math involved in the frequencies. Each note has a frequency (in hertz) associated with it. A4 is generally considered to be at 440 Hz (sometimes people prefer 442 or 444, but still). All of this is logic and math coupled with emotion and soul. That's the beauty of music, in my humble. You can't have one without the other.If someone hums it's music, if someone beats on a trash can it's music, if someone whistles it's music, if someone sings it's music etc. It may not be music to your liking but it's music nevertheless. And just because it doesn't conform to a set of rules doesn't mean it's not music. It's best to go with your heart and express yourself honestly rather than box your emotions into some template.
And, I listened to one of your beats and you were definitely employing music theory whether you were cognizant of it or not.