real pretty statement there. makes a person go" wow thats a good one."Indoctrinating religion into children at a young age before they have developed the cognitive capabilities to think for themselves is child abuse.
now lets speak on reality. indoctrination is the process of which children learn from other children and adults about EVERYTHING they know once they become adults themselves. There is no learning without indoctrination.
we are all indoctrinated in the states to use the units vs the metric system of other countries. But because thats not talking about "god" or a religion its ok. lol. Everything that is taught is a sermon. You preach a message you believe in.
With that atheist blind logic above. You shouldnt raise your kids at all. Just let them be, let them figure it out on their own..RIGHT? you dont want to put anything in their minds that wasnt there from birth...RIGHT? You dont want to force NON belief or belief on them..correct? So let them be period. let them be on every subject. Dont tell a child the fire is hot, let them find out on their own(sure they might end up dying in the process of learning but oh well thats life says the atheist). Dont tell a child to "do the right thing" because there is no right thing until he/she comes to a conclusion on their own that there is a right way or do things.