Tommy Knocks
I was pretty heavy into it when I was a teen. By then, I'd actually read the entire bible. By college and I decided to read the scriptures that were removed from the bible, like the book of enoch, book of jubilee.Oh so you mean birth to your teens? I thought you meant 15 years of consciously following. My bad. Personally I don't consider a person a follower of anything until they question it. So I see no problem with questioning one's faith. After all, if it can't be questioned it's not really faith.
I was raised as a Muslim but it wasn't until I was 19 or 20 that I would say I actually became a Muslim.
Oh yea. another reason I don't really mess with Christianity and Islam (altho at least islam gave africa great trade in technological advancement and far less exploitation) is this.
The message preached by Missionaries encouraged Africans to rebel against everything that formed the foundation of African family and society. They even preached that salvation could only be obtained through formal work which meant one had to earn a paycheck. The only people who paid for labor at the time were Europeans colonialists. Most missionaries new to Africa believed Africans were lazy and were not using their land adequately so it was in their best interest for Europeans to use it. Some missionaries had developed friendships with local clans and used this to further European causes. Often African chiefs sought advice from missionaries on how to deal with other Europeans seeking treaties. However, the missionaries almost always betrayed their trust.