What's the most dramatic change you've witnessed of someone you knew?

Blown Moon

All Star
Jul 14, 2012
Seeing how a lot of the goofy/carefree girls I knew from middle/high school grew into seemingly responsible, caring mothers or just mature women. I know this is normal but it's still a trip to me sometimes.

Girls that becoming ladies, and my friends are having babies-Drizzy


All Star
Dec 8, 2012
Knew a girl who had an excellent personality, great grades, was always just an overall ideal student and person. She graduated and got into a good college, had her whole future ahead of her. Then she somehow got so depressed and jumped off a bridge at 20. Didnt leave a note or nothing.


LWO suicide bomber
Nov 19, 2012
Out here in my damn drawls
Knew a girl who had an excellent personality, great grades, was always just an overall ideal student and person. She graduated and got into a good college, had her whole future ahead of her. Then she somehow got so depressed and jumped off a bridge at 20. Didnt leave a note or nothing.

20? Sh!t, she must have been really goin' through it.


fukk u weeaboo
May 3, 2012
Not Japan
Happened back in high school.

My homie was a bully and always like pickin on ppl that are different. One weekend, I couldnt get in contact with my homie. We get to school that morning, and we start pickin on the gay dude. My homie got pissed and demanded us to stop:birdman:

Come to find out, the gay dude gave my homie head the past weekend. They eventually had sex on graduation night

:wtf: :gag:

street heat

merchant of death
Jun 15, 2012
One of my best friends dropped a from like 230 lbs to 170. Really proud of him for that. Makes me despise fatties who claim they can't lose weight even more

Nobuo Uematsu

Elegant Black Mage
Oct 4, 2012
I got two incidents, polar opposites

there was this one chick in university who was :krs: thick (but her face was :huhldup:). Incidentally, she was also mad slutty. Like, every dude I know who was close to her had smashed.

then outta nowhere one day, she up and got saved on us. Like hardcore saved, quoting leviticus and stuff. Now she's married and co-writing a christian married help book with her husband.

the other one is a dude that was in high school with me, dude was like a 4.0 gpa student, AP, honors, all that. One month during the year, dude starts missing a lot of days from classes. Come to find out, homeboy is strung out and stealing out of people's cars to support his habit.

I saw him at the mall a couple of years ago and he was trying to steal shoes out of the department store, but he had just gotten out of jail maybe like two days prior. I was in a good spot, so I bought all the shoes for him.

Turns out he stole about 4 other pairs of shoes anyway



May 14, 2012
One of my homie used to be heavy into hip hop. Underground shyt too...in 9th grade he went to a weekend retreat with a girl for some church thing. came back gave all of his hip hop shyt away signed posters, screw tapes. Everything. I saw dude a couple of years back and he's still the same. Not overly religious but I guess has God in his heart and is on the straightened arrow as they say.

Was really weird we were waiting for him to come back but nah, he's never looked back.

Grand Cru Boo

May 8, 2012
New Yawk New Yawk
"I seen hoop dreams deflate like a true feins weight."
Son I grew up with use to be so nice in hooping. Use to be at the club doing his thing, always fly and had mad hoes jocking him. He eventually fell off, got caught up in the wrong crowd and got exposed on some other ish. after a tape came out with him being robbed butt ass naked. After that, he was tassered by someone in the head and I think that was another thing that messed him up. shyt is sad b, dude could of went a d1 and been a hero on the ave, but now I can barely recognize him. I swear he was never the same again. Son is homeless now, strung out, just roaming the streets. Everytime o see him he always asking for a dollar or have a imaginary pipe dream he try to sell me. To be honest, I don't even think he even recognize me enough, but merely play along to get what he want.


Mar 18, 2013
But seriously, aside from stuff thats not really worth discussing... prob the biggest change Ive witnessed was this dude who became extremely religious around junior year. Like in a reformed, born-again-christian kind of way. He didn't even get in much trouble before that... just smoked weed once or twice a week and whatnot.. normal high school kid shyt.

But for some reason this kid really thought he was fukking up. He stopped going out on the weekends completely. It was a weird situation.

I still haven't seen this motherfukker in years.


May 1, 2012
Bay Area
worst: myself :to:

I was always into dumb shyt with my friends when I was a teenager, crime type shyt :manny:, whatever my patnas was down for, I was with it. but when by myself I had my shyt straight. I was motivated, aspirations and expectations of myself real high. Always had EVERYONES best interest in my head and actions. Thought by 25 I would be settled down, married, a kid maybe and a nice house with a nice job. Smoked a lil weed here and there, but never drank. Always hated how drunk people acted around me. All sloppy. I wanted to be in control of what I did, and I seen how drunk people did stupid shyt rather it be cheating to driving drunk to getting into random pointless fights.

I didnt even drink on my 21st birthday. I wanted too, but I ended up driving cause my friend who was gonna drive had some other shyt pop up. I wanted everyone to still go out and have fun, so I drove :manny: so I can count how many times by 21 I have even DRANK let alone got drunk on 1 hand.

21 I graduated from Heald ( not shyt to most of yall, but I hardly passed high school, learning shyt aint for me :sadcam: ) and started my own business (legit, business license and all) but it didnt work out. I ended up getting hired at AT&T, still 21.. Quickly became top sales person in the district, was even #1 in north california in U-Verse sales 3 months in a row, was getting West Director type recognition :jawalrus:

Still no alcohol, and by now no need either. But if a girl wanted to roll up, I would be open to smoking if it came to it. But now I was making $4000 a month on a bad a month and $6000+ on a good month. At 21 :obama: way more money than any one i knew close to my age. Moved out of my parents, got a NICE apartment. Life was good.. I was 21, single, making $60k+ a year, lived on my own, credit was great.

By the time I turned 22, I started going out more. Girls was always asking how come I was never drinking. Partys... clubs.. pool halls.. "take a shot with me!" nah im good.. Fast forward a few months, one of my co workers is a club promoter, promoting clubs on broadway in frisco and local ones and a few bachelor partys later, I started drinking.. but only a lil. I was light weight! 2 shots and I was good.. I had restraint. I liked the buzz, felt more relaxed at clubs.

2 shots became 3 adioses soon.. Then 3 adioses became 5 vodka redbulls, then 5 vodka redbulls to buying a 5th and pregaming in the car and then still buying drinks. That eventually turned into I needing a drink everytime I went to a party or club, I wanted to buy a bottle and get drunk when I went out. I could down a 5th of goose or henny by myself if I wanted too now.. I became a social drunk too, so I wanted to buy everyone around me drinks as well (real expensive). I went from spending $20 to get into clubs, to buying 2 shots ($45 total after tips) to every time I went out was minimum $100.

When I originally got hired aT&T I was hired as part time, but they had me working 40 hours a week still. My manager eventually got fired, and the new manager gave me a choice to stay part time but only work 28-32 hours a week but id I would have saturdays off. or transfer to another store and be full time(not have saturdays off). My dumbass wanted to "live life" so I chose the part time. I was making most my money from commission anyway... at least I thought... Hourly speaking alone was $500-600 less a month not counting over time. And since I wasnt working saturdays and only like 4 hours on sunday, my commission checks were getting hit hard too. So now im going out more, but making less money than I was before. Not a good combination at all.

I ended up having to move back with my parents, credit ended up getting fukked bad for being late on bills and stupid shyt that was easy for me to maintain before, and the month before my 23rd birthday I ended up getting fired from AT&T :damn: (unrelated to drinking, a bunch of shyt really.. but maybe alcohol lead to all that I dunno, this my first time really typing this shyt out)

You think that shyt would get my life in order.. nah.. my 23rd birthday I end up getting VIP at a club and poppin bottles getting drunk and shyt. Ended up getting hired at Honda a few weeks after my birthday, but cot damn everyone at the dealership drinks even more than me! We was going to pool halls during random ass days and times, buying bottles every weekend and drinking them then hitting frisco after to drink some more at clubs.. Im maintaining on my current bills, but not really on my old bills im late on.. so credit still fukked and the money I could be using to fix it, im using to buy VIP at clubs and drinks at the bar.

One of the managers of a club we always went to on Broadway in frisco, ended up working for Honda and we became coo so we ended up getting a nice apartment together(pause). fukk that was a horrible decision looking back on it. He is a manager at a club! I ended up being coo with all the bar tenders , club owners , promoters and other people who work in the club. If they werent giving me free bottles for VIP, I was getting endless free drinks at the bar. Life was fun, but I aint have shyt to show for my life.. Going to work hungover n shyt, sometimes even drinking at work.. When I first started working at AT&T at 21, I picked up a great habit of hitting the gym 5-6 times a week body lookin pretty good no homo, but by now even living 2 damn stop lights from a 24 hour fitness I would be too lazy or too tired to go to the gym more than once or twice a week or even a few weeks without going at all at times...

I hated working at Honda hours were long and the pay was too up and down (its almost all commission for the most part). I ended up getting hired at Chase as a banker and then eventually landed back in the cell phone industry at Verizon after a few months at Chase (really.. I should still be at chase , another bad decision but I left to hopefully gain more money at Verizon so I had good intentions at least, just not a long term career in mind which I would of had at Chase moving up to be a business banker or loan officer)

I ended up moving out of the apartment (lease was over) and moving back closer to my friends and family.. I thought this would motivate me to go to the gym more and get my shyt right especially since I had good intentions to make more money at another job, and I would be saving a lot more money with way cheaper rent living with some friends. Wrong. Being closer to my friends and family I just replaced drinking at clubs with drinking at partys and kick its..

Now im 25, turning 26 July 12th, I have no house that I can say I own, im not close to being married (pro and con), no kids (thankfully, I used to think id be a great dad but with how I currently act I dont think so now and I dont want a kid to be an excuse for me to "finally get my shyt right" I wanna be right before I have a kid). I recently blacked out the night of the Mayweather fight, almost got into a random fight at a bar I guess (real dumb its cinco de mayo weekend prolly woulda went to jail) ended up fukking my ex who I cant stand, who I felt was trying to trap me with a baby at one point in time.. I guess she said the right shyt to me and I was drunk enough to respond.. like I said I blacked out that night, pretty much woke up the next day to this weak bytch getting outta my bed in the morning praying I didnt nut in that bytch.

I didnt drink for 2 weeks after this.. was feeling good.. but cot damn graduation time.. hard to say no to shots at graduation partys around people family n shyt.. so had a good buzz, but not crazy drunk the other week.. this past weekend, memorial weekend and one of my good female friends graduation party.. I ended up spending $350 on BOTTLES.. from COSTCO and random liquor stores... what the fukk? We talking like $30-50 a bottle, I bought 3 gallons and 5 5ths.. Its not even for my party..not VIP at a club or something.. I keep thinking today like why the fukk did I spend so much on liquor. Well really I been thinking about why ive spent so much on liquor in my life time.. Saturday night I get dumb drunk, dont remember half the night.. Monday I paced myself and had a great buzz. For me, monday was my sweet spot for drinking.. if I could just get that buzzed and show that much restraint every time I drink I feel id be doing way better in life right now. I dont wanna give up drinking, I wanna give up needing to drink till im past buzzed and just fully drunk when I go out. If I can do this, I wouldnt randomly buy random bottles at partys to keep the party going and shyt.. I would be buzzed and call it a night..

Im going to Vegas for the first time may 31st- June 3rd.. I wanna make this my "aight after this get ya shyt straight" point. Ive been to enough clubs and spent enough on alcohol to last a few life times. Its funny.. the closer I get to finally travelling for the first time in my life (yeah I know its only vegas for yall, but its a big deal to me, I aint never really took a vacation in my whole life.. been working since 15! ) the more I wanna be more just "buzzed" than drunk.. Not saying I will accomplish this in vegas, but I would love to.. might be unrealistic but all I really wanna do this summer is just get my shyt straight

Ive always been a hustler, always been about my money. But when I was younger I would think of ways to flip my money to more money. Now I just wanted to get money to pop bottles in the club.. thats hustling backwards.. I dont want this shyt no more

I know no one here really cares, but this is my first time really talking about this maybe because yall just strangers n shyt but fukk it, its late night I doubt anyone really reads all this shyt

too long didnt read ;

I became the exact opposite person I wanted to be. Had my shyt straight, and now I dont.

shyts scressful