Not me but this was pretty disrespectful. We had this one legendary teacher, he was quite strict with study and discipline but at the same time he used to joke with us, have a laugh, talk to us like associates, he was pretty based. ppl from my school still talk about him and got love for him. He basically mastered the art of teaching and he always made everyone engage in his callses. As long as you didn't make fun of his baldness or weren't very disrespectful, you could get away with banter.
So this stupid guy from my class touched and rubbed him on the bald patch one day, this was in the morning two, teacher just got out of his car briefcase in hand.. As soon as the guy touched him he started running for it. Teacher screams boys get him, now a lot of students got respect for this teacher so we all started chasing this one student as the teacher was running behind us screaming ''get him, beat him'' so we tackled him and started stomping on him, the teacher catches up and just starts laying into him with the metal brief case to the head. He gave that student a vicious beating, we all just stood there and watched. the was crying. btw no involved was prosecuted by the school.