edit: lower budget

I dont get it.. Tron: Legacy did $400 million on a $170 million budget.. is $200 million profit not worth it

why do they keep saying it was a failure
Maybe they should say it didnt live up to expectations but $200 million profit is a shyt load of profit
1) The budget was probably a lot more. Because those numbers don't include marketing most of the time. Studio very rarely report that out. Typically you do budget x2 to factor in marketing. Which is $340 million.
2) The movie only brought in $172 million dollars in the US. Typically studios want the movie to do double it's budget DOMESTICALLY because they need to recoup marketing costs. Global is just extra. So now you have a $340 million dollar movie that only made $172 million in the U.S.
3) The U.S. is the benchmark on if a movie fails or not. Studios do not want to rely on the overseas grind for a film to be successful. Even with all the pandering to the Chinese what movies will do well are still a mystery over there. Global sales are always hit or miss. Therefore low U.S. box office + Bad reviews = FLOP in their eyes.
4) Lastly, Hollywood studios strong arm movie theater chains in the U.S. for 90%+ of each ticket sold. Movie theaters in the U.S. make most of their money off of food. It's not like that overseas where studios have less leverage. So their take of global sales are a lot less.
So now you got a movie that cost $340 million dollars. That brought in $400 million dollars. And after you give the movie theaters their cut. You're left in the red. And on top of all of that it's reviews sucked.
All of those things add up to make Tron Legacy a flop.