Hogan doesnt turn heel, it doesnt get a larger audeince of both casual and wresting fans going "Hey Hulk Hogan is a bad guy now?
The Outisiders/NWO gimmick while cool would be only a wrestling angle if Hogan doesnt give it that outside attention as the man who made wrestling famous
In turn that not being there doent help WCW get huge. WCW doesnt get huge, WWF doesnt get any compeition and force them to go with Vince, Austin and DX and the whole attitude era as DX
Remember Austin didnt really blow up until close to a year later after the Austn 3:16 speech, it was a steady build and they did sit on him until 97 when they realized what they had. And if NWO isnt on their necks, who knows if they pull the trigger