DFV handled it right.
He delayed his streaming and the MM's halted GME when they "thought" his stream was scheduled to start.
He basically called out what they were going to do and they did it. Big Dogs assumed he was going to manipulate the stock, live for everyone to see....so they preemptively hammered it while he did nothing.....proving that they manipulate the stock when they THINK something is about to pop off. They should have let it run and then you could sue DFV and make people think shyt is not manipulated.
They won the battle but made it tougher to win the war vs. retail.
As for RC? It's smart to use the opportunity to increase your war chest but sitting on billions without a tangible plan for investments and revenue streams doesn't look good. It looks like they're just acquiring cash to help the business float until they can come up with a sustainable, revenue generating product/service.
Two share offerings so close to each other gives the impression he is in bed with the market makers....targeted share dilution. It's especially shaky when he does it during a run-up. RC is heavily invested in the company so he obviously wants a strong share price.......but he probably doesn't want a MOASS until the floor price is raised to some level where him and the board feel comfortable. He may be thinking about all the people that'll unload the stock during a squeeze but may not buy it back after they've cashed out. He's gotta have a plan for GME. Short squeeze isn't his play...it's our play.
My only concern is if they keep doing this when it runs up on price...say $40 or $50/share where they feel the company is being overvalued. They'll sit pat at $10 or $20 but it seems like high 30s or low 40s is where some bullshyt always pops off.