Multiply whatever you have by 7. That’s how many shares this split will give you. The price will go down considerably, as a result, but it’s sure to explode when the smoke clears. And that doesn’t even factor in what it’ll reach when it ultimately squeezes.fukking Hedgefunds bytches
and I would’ve been content with my 3 shares at 1000$ each back in January 2021 if it wasn’t for their fukkery
Now I got way more than 3 which I still see as money lost aka Im perfectly fine with losing it all so I ain’t selling , and want more money than 1000$ a share
DRS asap.I've been holding onto my shares over a year now. I haven't drs'd though. I forgot about all the gme shyt until recently glad I did because that shyt fell to $80? I would have been panicking![]()
Seems like RC did this as a two prong attack and baited them so he could drop thisFor those confused about how this will help trigger the squeeze:
GME plans to issue a stock dividend to those holding official shares. Anyone holding shorts or synthetic shares will have to find shares or close their positions. Since we know the shorts have been printing naked positions, the only way they can locate shares is to buy them from us, which will push the price to astronomical highs since we aren’t selling. Now, the shorts will probably say “fukk It” and keep trying to short the stock with synthetic shares, which GME is anticipating with this move. When they do that, since the float is locked and the dividend has been issued, GME will have justification for recalling the shares and forcing the short positions closed. Hedges are stuck between a rock and a hard place.
This is the end game.
Multiply whatever you have by 7. That’s how many shares this split will give you. The price will go down considerably, as a result, but it’s sure to explode when the smoke clears. And that doesn’t even factor in what it’ll reach when it ultimately squeezes.
I made 5x off another similar meme stock called AMCHas anyone made money off this shyt?
Divide whatever the price is by 7.I only got 22 shares of the split would make it go up x 7 theoretically?
How much would the price dip? Might get some more.
He’s been tweeting coded memes with the numbers 741 all year. Nobody knew what it meant, none of the theories coming close to today’s news.Seems like RC did this as a two prong attack and baited them so he could drop this
Hats off to Ryan! He copped 10m shares last week to dry up their ability to short. Then he hit them with this split.Seems like RC did this as a two prong attack and baited them so he could drop this
Divide whatever the price is by 7.