What's An Acceptable Number Of Sexual Parters For A 21-Year Old Girl To Have?

whats an accpetable number of sexual partners for a 21 year old girl?

  • bytch better be virginal! I don't want no sloppy twentieths and shyt..:scusthov:

    Votes: 28 22.0%
  • under 10 is fine :gladbron:

    Votes: 63 49.6%
  • under 30 is acceptable..but i'm staying strapped up :whoo:

    Votes: 4 3.1%
  • I don't care if she banged over 50 dudes. if im feelin her then sexual history is irrelevant :noah:

    Votes: 7 5.5%
  • i'm not a prude..but damn there comes a point when I'd fear for my health breh

    Votes: 16 12.6%
  • yall need to get out of this backwards mindset and stop putting arbitrary constraints on women :wtb:

    Votes: 9 7.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Apr 30, 2012
Now who else wanna fukk with Hollywood Court?
:upsetfavre: you must not hang around women.

i think you men are in denial. saying multiple partners mean things about a woman when really you guys are just afraid of being compared. more partners means more to compare your skills with. that is why you ask your girl was her other men better, were their dikks bigger than yours.

you guys actually want experienced women, but you just can't handle having your penis and skills compared to other men


I've never asked ANY woman to compare, or to talk about dikk size, shyt doesn't move me. When it comes to wifing up someone for a long term relationship, I will take the lower numbers, not because of any insecurity but because I like exclusivity. I like knowing it at least takes some work, and if that chart above doesn't say enough I don't know what else will. I mean there's a direct, defined correlation between sexual partners and higher divorce rates, but that doesn't matter, that's just men oppressing women!

All anyone needs to do is stop and think, if a someone is constantly going through people, what are the odds she can eventually settle down with just 1 person in the end? This actually applies to both sexes :manny:


All Star
Jun 21, 2012
Every aspect of society is derived from human nature, whether art, regulations, “shaming tactics”, rules, architecture, views, standards, concepts .e.t.c everything in society is born from human nature, which, of course, is both natural and biological. So what you’re inadvertently suggesting is that something originating from human nature “has zero to do with anything that is natural biologically”, which obviously makes no sense.

This comment doesn’t even make sense. It is phrased as if you are disagreeing with me but contains no reasoning as to why. I told you that something that is not natural in human nature wouldn’t require any concerted effort to ensure it didn’t happen. I didn’t suggest that things in society weren’t derived from human nature (although I’d certainly argue that everything is derived from it), in fact I said the polygamous nature of females is why institutions and culture rules exists to temper it.

Not equally as risky. What you’re implying suggests that intra-species competition for resources between males doesn't pose a risk to females, which is clearly untrue, even today fierce competition between men over resources has lead to the death of children and females, so imagine what collateral damages would have be apparent in less civil archaic times.

Competitive risk does not exclude females, implying such indicates that you have a very parochial understanding regarding the topic. On the other hand, gestation, incubation and child birth are specific costs only female mammals are subjected to, which goes on to illustrate my point - women stand to lose more by mating successfully. Also, I find it funny that you question my understanding of Bateman’s Principle when the primary tenants of the principle is that “women invest more into producing offspring than males”.

Lastly, aspects of Bateman’s Principle have been debunked not the entire principle, and the debunked aspects do not concern the parental investment aspect of human species, most of the debunked aspects are intra-species studies of other species such as drophilia, chimpanzees and scorpions.

This comment actually shows it is you who has little understanding of the topic. Collateral damage can/does happen in any act. It is irrelevant in this discussion unless it is a direct and purposeful result of the promiscuity.

Even in the event that death happened to the female or child as a result of male competition, it would NEVER be intentional on the male part according to evolutionary psychology. How could the male pass on his genes if a direct and intention consequence of his promiscuity is the death of the only vessel he can do so with? He has no incentive to do it, it could happen, but it’s not something he actually wants or a direct result of promiscuity.

In terms of women investing more into producing offspring, again, I have never disputed female investment. What I pointed out to you was your wrongful disregard/understatement of male investment. Males have to exhaust a lot to even be allowed to mate PERIOD, women exhaust a lot during the incubation process. Your ignoring of that fact is what sparked that part of my post.

Just as a side note, it is ironic to me that in threads where men see the opportunity to blame all their lives failures on women they can acknowledge the costly effects of their pursuit of mates, but in a conversation that gives facts about the biological nature of female promiscuity, all of a sudden male investment in mating is immaterial and female risk paramount.


I’ve already acknowledged that our ultimate goal is genetic propagation and that for both male/females polygamy is beneficial in a sense, still, this does not eliminate the difference in reproductive cost/risks that exists between genders, or the fact that females have evolved an affinity towards quality as oppose to a quantity because they are the limiting sex. Also, I’ve never argued for monogamy, I’m not sure where that inference even came from. Just because females have evolved to pick mates in a more efficient/choosy manner than men doesn't mean they are naturally monogamous (this is where you're misunderstanding me).

What "choosiness" means in terms of male and female is often changed depending on the gender of the person/animal in question, so I guess you should expound on what specifically points to females being choosier?

I caution you if you are going to say women are more "choosy" because of their resource requirements to mate, because that only points to the label issue I spoke on. A woman would be called choosy for desiring to mate with men with resources, a man would not be called such for desiring to mate with women with certain physical requirements. Hmmm I wonder why that could be and what that alludes to lol

It seems your contention is against me stating that “females are naturally picky when choosing partners to mate with”, what you're suggesting is that the difference between genders in terms of parental risk/investment had no baring on our evolution, which again is completely false. The limiting sex of our species (and most other mammals) are females, this is basic natural selection theory, females are not labelled the limiting sex because of societal pressures only, they are assigned this title due to biological dimorphism and evolution.

Robert Trivers formed the parental investment principle which explains that human females have adapted to become much more discriminating/efficient than men when choosing sexual partners due to; the limit in which a female can ovulate given a certain period, the biological cost necessary to lactate, the investment necessary to nurture the child, child birth risks, the entire gestation process .e.t.c.

I think I now see what the problem is, you are looking at it from a standpoint that is based on research and knowledge of biology that we know now, rather than focusing on actual motivation standpoint of the males and females in question. Females did not know and still do not know even now when they are pregnant until several weeks the pregnancy. So they have no motivation to simply stop mating or only mate with one partner during any ovulation period. As I said in my previous post, the more sperm the better, because the more likely she would be to absolutely ensure she becomes pregnant. And it has been scientifically proven that mating with more than one male increases chances of getting pregnant as opposed to mating with the same male multiple times, since each concurrent ejaculation for men contains less sperm. Not to mention the benefits of genetic variety, getting the best possible genetic material, etc. that comes with having multiple partners.

As far as the cost of lactating, nurturing of the child, etc. etc. none of these things are actual requirements for the mother to fulfill any more than the father when you get down to it. So if the male can be excluded from having that as a cost, so can the female. And I have already addressed the gestation part. Female investment comes during gestation, male investment comes well before that just to get to the point of even having the opportunity to mate.

Charles Darwin, the father of evolutionary study, bolstered this theory via his book the “the origin of species” in which he states that all female mammals (accept hyenas) are the limiting sex (in fact, that book originated the term) due to the fact that reproduction is more costly for them compared to men, he also explained that male mammals aggressively compete for women because of the need to qualify themselves due to female mammals “picky" nature.

Again females mammals are the “picky“, or, “choosy” sex due to evolution, as acknowledged by the John Batemans’s investment principle, Charles Darwin’s theory of inter-sexual selection and Robert Trivers parental investment principle.

So now we get to the meat of your bias @ the part in bold. It is not ‘picky’ for a woman to require resources in which males use to qualify themselves for females unless it is equal ‘picky’ for males to choose to mate with females of specific physical qualities.

What you are using as evidence is simply male bias that is often embedded in these conversations and even in scientific writings then and now. You still have a bunch of scientists referring to female sexual behavior as 'passive' and only in response to male sexual advances, as if female arousal is dependent on male advances.

Hopefully what I’ve wrote above justifies me not responding to this comment in full, but again, alot of this is wrong, you can’t just label years of intra-species adaptation “social pressure”, nor can you attribute it to paternity identification only, because you’d be ignoring decades of established evolutionary science.

I’m ignoring nothing, you are. Ask yourself, what reason would any group who is self proclaimed to be polygamous by nature actively be against the group whom they’d be polygamous with also having a similar mind set? Logic tells us that if men are polygamous by nature, a world where females viewed sex in the same light would be a dream come true. Because it would mean more access to SEX. But we see the exact opposite attitude of this now and throughout history. Why?

Just put bias aside and think logically for a minute. What would they have to gain by actually LIMITING their access to the thing they claim they desire biologically? It would have to mean that either men ain't as polygamous by nature as they claim, or there is some other benefit gained by them to policing their partners numbers.


May 2, 2012
Some of yall hoes just need to let it go. Own up to your whoremones :smugfavre:

Yall the prize. Yall motivate us to want to work and build ourselves up. A good woman is the reward for all those years of grinding.

A prize aint exactly a prize if everyone done unwrapped it & fukked around with it, now is it? :mjpls:


May 2, 2012
:upsetfavre: you must not hang around women.

i think you men are in denial. saying multiple partners mean things about a woman when really you guys are just afraid of being compared. more partners means more to compare your skills with. that is why you ask your girl was her other men better, were their dikks bigger than yours.

you guys actually want experienced women, but you just can't handle having your penis and skills compared to other men

Wanting an experienced chick =/= wanting a chick who fukked half of Howard University.

5, 6 bodies is experienced. 72 bodies means you need to check that bytch for SARS :stopitslime:

I'm starting to understand while our parents & grandparents didn't want us having sex as teenagers/young adults.

When you turn 27, 30 years old.....its :scusthov: out there. You spose to be my Queen right? fukk kinda Queen is you when 72 other dudes done fukked you? :beli:


Apr 30, 2012
Now who else wanna fukk with Hollywood Court?
Wanting an experienced chick =/= wanting a chick who fukked half of Howard University.

5, 6 bodies is experienced. 72 bodies means you need to check that bytch for SARS :stopitslime:

I'm starting to understand while our parents & grandparents didn't want us having sex as teenagers/young adults.

When you turn 27, 30 years old.....its :scusthov: out there. You spose to be my Queen right? fukk kinda Queen is you when 72 other dudes done fukked you? :beli:

I feel bad for those little dudes out there that are between 8-12 years old right now, they don't have a chance in the future.


All Star
May 2, 2012
more money
This comment doesn’t even make sense. It is phrased as if you are disagreeing with me but contains no reasoning as to why. I told you that something that is not natural in human nature wouldn’t require any concerted effort to ensure it didn’t happen. I didn’t suggest that things in society weren’t derived from human nature (although I’d certainly argue that everything is derived from it), in fact I said the polygamous nature of females is why institutions and culture rules exists to temper it.

How doesn't it? I reiterated the fact that society has erected these standards, in which you then retorted, quote, “Society does a lot of things. It subjugates one group, usually for the benefit of another. Nothing surprising there, it happens throughout history and has zero to do with anything that is natural biologically.”, what you implied is that the subjugation of a group by society has nothing to do with anything biologically natural, now if this isn't want you meant then you need to work on expressing yourself more coherently. If what you where trying to convey is that polygamy itself is natural you could have just said that, even then, I had never suggested or implied that polygamy isn’t natural.

This comment actually shows it is you who has little understanding of the topic. Collateral damage can/does happen in any act. It is irrelevant in this discussion unless it is a direct and purposeful result of the promiscuity.

Even in the event that death happened to the female or child as a result of male competition, it would NEVER be intentional on the male part according to evolutionary psychology. How could the male pass on his genes if a direct and intention consequence of his promiscuity is the death of the only vessel he can do so with? He has no incentive to do it, it could happen, but it’s not something he actually wants or a direct result of promiscuity.

In terms of women investing more into producing offspring, again, I have never disputed female investment. What I pointed out to you was your wrongful disregard/understatement of male investment. Males have to exhaust a lot to even be allowed to mate PERIOD, women exhaust a lot during the incubation process. Your ignoring of that fact is what sparked that part of my post.

Just as a side note, it is ironic to me that in threads where men see the opportunity to blame all their lives failures on women they can acknowledge the costly effects of their pursuit of mates, but in a conversation that gives facts about the biological nature of female promiscuity, all of a sudden male investment in mating is immaterial and female risk paramount.


It's very relevant. You bought up the fatality risk of intra-species competition between males over resources, in response to me talking about exclusive risks limited to females such as child birth. I simply pointed out that they are not comparable because the mortality risk of incubation is not shared between males and females, whilst the risk of acquiring resources is a risk shared by male and female (at times through collateral damage).

Whether death is intentional or not is irrelevant, the point is that the risk of mortality in terms of gathering resources is shared, not exclusive, unlike the risk of female incubation, pregnancy and child birth. The whole concept behind the parental investment principle is understanding the risks that are shared and risks that aren’t.

I’m not disregarding any of the risks or investments involved in reproduction that male mammals face, what I was saying is that female mammals invest a lot more into the process, the likes of Charles Darwin, Robert Trivers, John Bateman and the majority of the accredited scientific community seem to agree, yet you hilariously dispute with vigor.

What "choosiness" means in terms of male and female is often changed depending on the gender of the person/animal in question, so I guess you should expound on what specifically points to females being choosier?

I’ve already talked about how the limiting sex is reversed for a few species, but that is neither here nor there, the point is that the limiting sex within the homosapiens species are females, this is basic evolution principle. Women are the limiting sex in terms of the homosapien species and are the “choosy sex“ (which is a scientific term by the way) because they risk and invest more into the process of reproduction.

In fact ill go through the basic investment process during successful mating to make it clearer for you. Men expend energy during ornamenting (displaying attractive features in order to be chosen), and men expend energy during sex. These are two basic risks and cost men experience in order to help produce a child.

Now, women expend energy during sex, women are at risk whilst in a less mobile state during pregnancy, women expend energy during gestation, women are at risk of maternal complication during gestation, women are at risk during child birth, women expend ridiculous amount of energy during child labor. Here are six basic risks and cost specific to female mammals, four more than males, there is no question that women invest and risk more during the process of producing offspring. Look at the lists comparatively, if you still disagree then you’re honestly to bias (or you lack the intelligence, which I doubt) to see the fact of the matter.

caution you if you are going to say women are more "choosy" because of their resource requirements to mate, because that only points to the label issue I spoke on. A woman would be called choosy for desiring to mate with men with resources, a man would not be called such for desiring to mate with women with certain physical requirements. Hmmm I wonder why that could be and what that alludes to lol

Again, they are labeled "choosy" due to the fact that they invest more into the reproductive process and have evolved to be more efficient in choosing partners than men, I have already explain how in sufficient detail and quoted three accredited evolutionary scientists and foundation theories in order to attest to this fact. Yes men also selective, but it is a fact that women are more discriminatory when it comes to choosing mates, hence why scientists call them the “choosy” or “limiting” sex.

I think I now see what the problem is, you are looking at it from a standpoint that is based on research and knowledge of biology that we know now, rather than focusing on actual motivation standpoint of the males and females in question. Females did not know and still do not know even now when they are pregnant until several weeks the pregnancy. So they have no motivation to simply stop mating or only mate with one partner during any ovulation period. As I said in my previous post, the more sperm the better, because the more likely she would be to absolutely ensure she becomes pregnant. And it has been scientifically proven that mating with more than one male increases chances of getting pregnant as opposed to mating with the same male multiple times, since each concurrent ejaculation for men contains less sperm. Not to mention the benefits of genetic variety, getting the best possible genetic material, etc. that comes with having multiple partners.

You cant be serious, do you honestly think established evolution sciences have not taken into account the motivation behind mating? Again, iv'e already acknowledged that polygamous mating can be beneficial. For the fourth time, I am not, not, arguing against polygamy nor implying that it is unnatural, I am simply stating that women are the limiting sex and are more discriminatory when choosing partners.

As far as the cost of lactating, nurturing of the child, etc. etc. none of these things are actual requirements for the mother to fulfill any more than the father when you get down to it. So if the male can be excluded from having that as a cost, so can the female. And I have already addressed the gestation part. Female investment comes during gestation, male investment comes well before that just to get to the point of even having the opportunity to mate.

I’ve already shown via the above example how female risk/ investment a outweighs male risk/investment by a large margin. You really have no legs to stand on here.

So now we get to the meat of your bias @ the part in bold. It is not ‘picky’ for a woman to require resources in which males use to qualify themselves for females unless it is equal ‘picky’ for males to choose to mate with females of specific physical qualities.

What you are using as evidence is simply male bias that is often embedded in these conversations and even in scientific writings then and now. You still have a bunch of scientists referring to female sexual behavior as 'passive' and only in response to male sexual advances, as if female arousal is dependent on male advances.

What “bias” are you talking about? This is established evolutionary theory ratified by the likes of Charles Darwin, Robert Trivers, John Bateman and most of the proper scientific community. They are not just “a bunch of scientists” as you so aptly put it, they are the most respected authorities in the field of current evolutionary science world wide. I'm surprised you called my understanding on evolutionary science to question when you seem not to understand the basics, nor respect its history.

I’m ignoring nothing, you are. Ask yourself, what reason would any group who is self proclaimed to be polygamous by nature actively be against the group whom they’d be polygamous with also having a similar mind set?Logic tells us that if men are polygamous by nature, a world where females viewed sex in the same light would be a dream come true. Because it would mean more access to SEX. But we see the exact opposite attitude of this now and throughout history. Why?

This is where a lot your confusion stems from. The truth is most men are picky to an extent, it's a common misconception to think that men just pick mates indiscriminately and are entirely driven by sex. By the way, "polygamous" doesn't mean innately driven purely by sex.

Just put bias aside and think logically for a minute. What would they have to gain by actually LIMITING their access to the thing they claim they desire biologically? It would have to mean that either men ain't as polygamous by nature as they claim, or there is some other benefit gained by them to policing their partners numbers.

So the likes of Charles Darwin, Rober trivers, John Bateman and the rest of the accredited scientific community are illogical and harbor a bias against females huh, ok I hear you :laugh:


52 Years Young
May 28, 2012
:upsetfavre: you must not hang around women.

i think you men are in denial. saying multiple partners mean things about a woman when really you guys are just afraid of being compared. more partners means more to compare your skills with. that is why you ask your girl was her other men better, were their dikks bigger than yours.

you guys actually want experienced women, but you just can't handle having your penis and skills compared to other men
fukk that compare me to the next man, hell if he's better than me in your eyes go chill with him instead. life goes on and really nobody else's opinion of me is as important as my own.

i swear some of yall woman act like you're are the gatekeepers of a man's self esteem. like yall hold so much power over his self image with just your opinion. yall really shouldn't be so vain to think that any opinion you have on a man really even matters. there are billions of women in this world any individual one is a grain of sand in a desert.
May 31, 2012
fukk that compare me to the next man, hell if he's better than me in your eyes go chill with him instead. life goes on and really nobody else's opinion of me is as important as my own.

i swear some of yall woman act like you're are the gatekeepers of a man's self esteem. l
:wtf: it's not like women are voluntarily saying "his dikk is bigger than yours" "he beat it better." these are interview answers because someone chose to ask those questions


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
The reason humans>>>>>>>any other animal, is because our ability think logically outside of our natural instincts. The reason we have societies, and jobs, and relationships is because we are able to rationalize their benefits to our overall well being.

Therefore all this "it's in male/female nature" crap means nothing. The number of sexual partners a person has is a good indicator of a persons ability to think logically about life situations, and make good decisions.

Would you want to marry a person that's prone to good decision making, and responsibility? Or would you want a person who will follow their animalistic instincts into bad decisions?

cleanface coney

May 26, 2012
if a chick went thru 20 dudes befores you

whats the chances she settle down wit you very unlikely

some girls dont deserve marriage or a relationship...they gotta deal wit it