Low key a side of me can understand why certain types on the right or sympathetic to them speak negatively about so called social justice warriors. The thought pieces on this pending film have been insufferable. It's definitely a cynic's nightmare to see all these low self esteem getting newfound inspiration from a fukkin comic book movie that they haven't even seen yet. I said last year when getting wind of this movie coming down the line that I hope Black folks don't become the new modern white women. I say that cuz it was pathetic seeing all those grown white women crying over the Wonder Woman movie. Please don't let me see photos and videos of Black folks crying cuz "I finally get to see myself on the screen." It's pathetic.
I agree with your point for myself (I don't even think I'll see it in theaters because I don't really like comic book movies tbh

I do think that it's a good thing for kids to see positive and different images of black people though. When I was growing up, I tend to think I gravitated toward sports because I saw a lot of black people being successful (and actually just DOING it). And I think it's really cool for young black kids to see black superheros on TV and in movies the same way that white kids do. I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with that. I think about when I was a kid and I wanted to be the Green Power Ranger for Halloween because Green was my favorite color and a punk ass white kid

A lot of these adults living through their childhood fandom is a bit sad though. I think it's cool to be proud, but don't LIVE through and find your identity through a movie, just like adults shouldn't live through a TV show, their sports team, etc.