The only other scene that I can think of that hit me that emotionally was that scene in Fresh Prince of Bel Air. You know the one.
Stringer was my favorite character in the Wire and maybe my favorite TV character of all time. I don't think I've ever connected to a TV character like I did Stringer Bell. He and I even share the same first name and last initial.
Even though he was a grimy drug dealer at the end of the day, he had vision which he displayed in trying to run their gang like a corporation, attempting to set up the coop and trying to diversify in real estate construction. He was evolving in front of our eyes, and then just like that, he got murked by the two deadliest killers on the show.
Stringer was my favorite character in the Wire and maybe my favorite TV character of all time. I don't think I've ever connected to a TV character like I did Stringer Bell. He and I even share the same first name and last initial.
Even though he was a grimy drug dealer at the end of the day, he had vision which he displayed in trying to run their gang like a corporation, attempting to set up the coop and trying to diversify in real estate construction. He was evolving in front of our eyes, and then just like that, he got murked by the two deadliest killers on the show.