It was fun, Monday night was an event. I miss it, it was a time in history that can't be replicated. It was a perfect storm of where the industry was and where society was at the time. So much of the stuff would not fly nowadays, but the late 90's were the perfect time to be able to get away with so much of it. Hell even the marks weren't super smart yet, we were finally seeing behind the curtain with stuff like the curtain call, the NWO, HBK and Bret, but it was brand new, we had never see that kind of realism in the business. What a time to be a fan, especially if you grew up a fan, it was your reward for watching the lean years. It'll never come back the way society is now. Forget Austin and DX, parents would be complaining that the NWO were bully's, hell half of you would be complaining about it.