The first 2 are classics but they fell off hard after that.Saints Row
Grand Theft Auto - Terrible fall from grace.
Honourable mention for Def Jam FFNY to Icon - Absolutely despicable what they done to that franchise.
No offense but your gripe with the WWE games sounds like you just want elementary wrestling games. 2k19 was the first WWE game since 2k14 to get critically praised for the most part. Live has also bounced back quite nicely and even made 2K adopt the WNBA mode.2k has been dope for many years but 2k19 was such a flop for a franchise mode gamer. I hope 2k gets back on track. Madden been awful since they got that deal with the NFL. FIFA is hit or miss for me.
For me, this will always be Live and WWE2k. I used to love WWE games back in the Smackdown and other games where you didn't have to grable for everything and doing a finisher was simple. Now, this game is retarded. Live completely fell off. It's trash for the most part.
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