@Ed MOTHEREFFING G just out of curiosity who is your favorite superhero (or superhero group) and what version of them defines the character to you? and how old were you at the time?
EDIT: #1 is Lex Luthor BY FAR and the best version is anything post crisis, and DCAU versions. And Kevin Spacey Luthor....but for heroes:
it bounces between Superman and Shazam
I was introduced to Superman in the "The Man of Steel" continunity as a kid (it came out in 86, i picked up sometime between that, and death of superman in 92...so between 3 and 9). This is a more currently common backstory of him crashing to earth, adopted by the kents, he was born IN america [sent as a fetus], he gets a job at the daily planet, woos lois (who is an aggressive reporter), Luthor is a businessman [not a mad scientist although he is a genius] etc. Its the continuity most know now but really isn't the most commonly used. Going back to the superman returns conversation; regarding issue two of Man of Steel:
Byrne made a small change to his original plans for the issue because of real world events. During Superman's public debut, he was originally going to save a landing space-shuttle. After the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster, however, the Constitution was changed to "an experimental space-plane."[21] In Bryan Singer's 2006 Film, "Superman Returns," one can see this scenario played out, save for a single difference, it happens to an average airplane.
Like I said, its really true to the comics.
Most animated versions of superman ring true to this continuity.
The other is Shazam. And I was introduced to Shazam much later in life maybe as a teenager. I really like the idea that Shazam IS A CHILD. That he is a poor, broke orphan and was taking serious Ls but had a heart of gold..that a wizard gave him his powers and that he is radically different from all other heroes. He has
so much potential that DC squanders in waves that only Jeff Smith and Alex ross really seem to care about...i was introduced to him by Kingdom Come in 96/97, and kept my eyes on the charactor to see if DC cared.
The best adapatation of the charactor is oddly the recent animated versions, and Jeff Smith's Billy Batson and the Magic of Shazam:
it is childish, kiddy, and thats cool; thats what shazam should be or could be to me. Its also why I think dc has maybe the best comic movie ever on its hands and doesn't know it.
Shazam can be that ^, and can be the version we've seen as of late in Young Justice or in Justice League Unlimited. The charactor is incredible.
3rd would be spiderman but there are so many different versions IDK if theres a best version. My favorite are Pre Clone Saga, and Post Brand New Day