Black Ball
I can think of quite of few, but the one that 1st comes to mind for me is Married With Children.
Don't know if yall remember the start of this show but it was nothing like it eventually evolved into.
Show had a darker & more serious tone, but still hilarious. The interaction between Al & Peg was more cold blooded & realistic. The ether in the early days mattered more because real feelings were being caught. The humor was more about how sad their lives & marriage was in a real kind of way.
Kelly wasn't a bafoon, she was just a slut.
Bud wasn't as big of a loser either, pretty normal & smart actually.
Show evolved into a lighthearted, crass & over the top bafoonery comedy. I still give it credit for still being funny after the turn, most shows suck when it gets to that point.
Don't know if yall remember the start of this show but it was nothing like it eventually evolved into.
Show had a darker & more serious tone, but still hilarious. The interaction between Al & Peg was more cold blooded & realistic. The ether in the early days mattered more because real feelings were being caught. The humor was more about how sad their lives & marriage was in a real kind of way.
Kelly wasn't a bafoon, she was just a slut.
Bud wasn't as big of a loser either, pretty normal & smart actually.
Show evolved into a lighthearted, crass & over the top bafoonery comedy. I still give it credit for still being funny after the turn, most shows suck when it gets to that point.