is that what your younger brother (Caucasians) have told you? he would have it so that you believe his stories, as they let him have control by controlling your mind. they even convinced humanity that men are superior to women, yet civilization was
birthed under
matriarchal control and flourished and is now dwindling under patriarchal control. worship women my friend, they are better than you by design, off with that tangent.
"So also in reference to stature, the differences are remarkable in entire tribes which, moreover, are geographically proximate to each other. These facts, however, are mere exceptions to a general rule, and do not alter the peculiar physiognomy of the Indian, which is as undeviatingly characteristic as that of the
Negro; for whether we see him in the athletic Charib or the stunted Chayma" -1844 Journal of Natural History
my fellow brothers and sisters, your ancestors were already here...ill keep it short and simple...the moors hated west african paganism, made deals with white people in europe to overthrow west africa, white people helped them then threw them away and gained secret info such as the maps of the world and were able to create a coupdeat to usurp the peoples of melanin. west africa was pillaged thanks to our moor brothers and all they had to do was attack the other continents as the heart (west africa) was ruined.
but hey what do i know, keep listening to what your younger brother has taught you...he loves that you dont know shyt about your true history, it is why he sits where he sits...