2014 was a long time ago. “Try Me” was the breakout hit which provided her the opportunity to put out other singles with vary levels of success. My question is why has she fell off the way she has?
She is very pretty
She has the image
She makes the sing songy shyt people enjoy
Yet her & her label has been quiet. I know she shot some video where she was in a field that didn’t take off recently...what happened?
same thing that always happens
coli overrates somebody saying "they got next" like they a star
people argue that they just "hot" right now, not really that good, and don't have star numbers
fight goes on for pages and pages, threads and threads
the artist never lives up to the hype or becomes that star or "next up"
everybody forgets them and the argument that was had
new artist gets "hot".... coli calls them "next up"......................