what makes someone a simp?

Dec 3, 2015
how about adjacent to your goals :jbhmm:
Nope second me and her could always drift apart but I'll never stop striving to be better in some way. If me and her ever leave each other both our lives go on, mine and hers. To put someone on the same level of my lively hood is the same as saying I'd potentially sacrafice what it is I'm doing in my life for that person. It's like investing in an insurance policy.
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Apr 18, 2013
For men I'd say that it occurs when they provide attention and commitment (in every facet) to someone who doesn't deserve it or even reciprocate it.

They also don't know their worth and tend to overcompensate for their shortcomings, intrinsic or otherwise, by lavishing said woman with material things. In these cases, some of them know they have nothing else to offer than the material but don't care as long as they get some semblance of attention/attraction...even if its gilded.

Then they blame women en masse when shyt goes south when in reality they needed to put their priorities in order...like choosing women beyond the just the physical and focusing on themselves as well.
Dec 19, 2014
For men I'd say that it occurs when they provide attention and commitment (in every facet) to someone who doesn't deserve it or even reciprocate it.

They also don't know their worth and tend to overcompensate for their shortcomings, intrinsic or otherwise, by lavishing said woman with material things. In these cases, some of them know they have nothing else to offer than the material but don't care as long as they get some semblance of attention/attraction...even if its gilded.

Then they blame women en masse when shyt goes south when in reality they needed to put their priorities in order...like choosing women beyond the just the physical and focusing on themselves as well.
professor :wow:


Dec 22, 2015
Some really good break downs from both male and female posters..

I will add this

Being nice to a woman, showing her chivalry, and treating her with respect are NOT examples of simping. If a man likes a woman and is dating her, then a few romantic gestures (within reason) in order to impress upon her his interests in intimacy are fine. Remember, the man's JOB is to attempt to mentally, emotionally, and physically stimulate the woman (I.e. Woo her) so that she finds him ideal for sharing her mind, body, and soul.

Where simping comes in, is when the woman has either made her uninterest known, or has clearly demonstrated a passive and/or manipulative tendency towards the male, and the male continues to ignore these signals and attempts to "win over" the woman by spending EXCESSIVE amounts of time/ and or money with nothing to show in mutual gain from the female. The male has now WILLINGLY accepted his status in the "friend zone" while complaining to his male counterparts about his lack of success.

Once the male's associates (many of them enjoying their own relationships and not wanting to hear any more whining) have stopped listening to his excessive complaints, the male's depression then begins to morph into a form of sexual frustration, which he can only relieve by logging into a forum called The Coli and, along with a frightening number of other sexually confused males, begin to bytch about the lack of "Quality black women" ad nauseum. Many of them will even take on the theory (long since disproven by fact) that pasty pale white women (affectionately known as PAWGS by the more racially neutered black males) are preferable in appreciating the lack of confidence and social skill of these individuals.

They then go on to live lives consisting of pornographic addiction and masturbation (known as "fapping") using their own tears as lubricant.


Nas just ether coli members

The Mad Titan

May 27, 2012
Simpin is giving something of value to another person when they dont or haven't shown that they deserve it and dont respect it. Be it attention, money, time or other. I've definitely walked a thin line when it comes to this and women I actually feel like deserve it.

Being nice isn't simping unless its here on the coli.

As someone with the brand of the simp here, I can say I've always put women on a bit of a pedestal (thanks mom and sis's!) but just like anyone else they have to shown they appreciate whatever it is I'm dealing out. I had to make a conscious effort to remind myself that every women isn't innocent. In reality I know this, but when you are raised to treat women with the utmost respect its much easier to simp or get dangerously close.

I'm really just a nice guy, the things I do for a woman I'd do for a guy. I USE to give women too many chances though, and that was my biggest down fall personally.


Nov 25, 2014
Some really good break downs from both male and female posters..

I will add this

Being nice to a woman, showing her chivalry, and treating her with respect are NOT examples of simping. If a man likes a woman and is dating her, then a few romantic gestures (within reason) in order to impress upon her his interests in intimacy are fine. Remember, the man's JOB is to attempt to mentally, emotionally, and physically stimulate the woman (I.e. Woo her) so that she finds him ideal for sharing her mind, body, and soul.

Where simping comes in, is when the woman has either made her uninterest known, or has clearly demonstrated a passive and/or manipulative tendency towards the male, and the male continues to ignore these signals and attempts to "win over" the woman by spending EXCESSIVE amounts of time/ and or money with nothing to show in mutual gain from the female. The male has now WILLINGLY accepted his status in the "friend zone" while complaining to his male counterparts about his lack of success.

Once the male's associates (many of them enjoying their own relationships and not wanting to hear any more whining) have stopped listening to his excessive complaints, the male's depression then begins to morph into a form of sexual frustration, which he can only relieve by logging into a forum called The Coli and, along with a frightening number of other sexually confused males, begin to bytch about the lack of "Quality black women" ad nauseum. Many of them will even take on the theory (long since disproven by fact) that pasty pale white women (affectionately known as PAWGS by the more racially neutered black males) are preferable in appreciating the lack of confidence and social skill of these individuals.

They then go on to live lives consisting of pornographic addiction and masturbation (known as "fapping") using their own tears as lubricant.



RIP Strika
May 1, 2012
Some really good break downs from both male and female posters..

I will add this

Being nice to a woman, showing her chivalry, and treating her with respect are NOT examples of simping. If a man likes a woman and is dating her, then a few romantic gestures (within reason) in order to impress upon her his interests in intimacy are fine. Remember, the man's JOB is to attempt to mentally, emotionally, and physically stimulate the woman (I.e. Woo her) so that she finds him ideal for sharing her mind, body, and soul.

Where simping comes in, is when the woman has either made her uninterest known, or has clearly demonstrated a passive and/or manipulative tendency towards the male, and the male continues to ignore these signals and attempts to "win over" the woman by spending EXCESSIVE amounts of time/ and or money with nothing to show in mutual gain from the female. The male has now WILLINGLY accepted his status in the "friend zone" while complaining to his male counterparts about his lack of success.

Once the male's associates (many of them enjoying their own relationships and not wanting to hear any more whining) have stopped listening to his excessive complaints, the male's depression then begins to morph into a form of sexual frustration, which he can only relieve by logging into a forum called The Coli and, along with a frightening number of other sexually confused males, begin to bytch about the lack of "Quality black women" ad nauseum. Many of them will even take on the theory (long since disproven by fact) that pasty pale white women (affectionately known as PAWGS by the more racially neutered black males) are preferable in appreciating the lack of confidence and social skill of these individuals.

They then go on to live lives consisting of pornographic addiction and masturbation (known as "fapping") using their own tears as lubricant.

I gotta stop coming on here at work.


Dec 22, 2015
Some really good break downs from both male and female posters..

I will add this

Being nice to a woman, showing her chivalry, and treating her with respect are NOT examples of simping. If a man likes a woman and is dating her, then a few romantic gestures (within reason) in order to impress upon her his interests in intimacy are fine. Remember, the man's JOB is to attempt to mentally, emotionally, and physically stimulate the woman (I.e. Woo her) so that she finds him ideal for sharing her mind, body, and soul.

Where simping comes in, is when the woman has either made her uninterest known, or has clearly demonstrated a passive and/or manipulative tendency towards the male, and the male continues to ignore these signals and attempts to "win over" the woman by spending EXCESSIVE amounts of time/ and or money with nothing to show in mutual gain from the female. The male has now WILLINGLY accepted his status in the "friend zone" while complaining to his male counterparts about his lack of success.

Once the male's associates (many of them enjoying their own relationships and not wanting to hear any more whining) have stopped listening to his excessive complaints, the male's depression then begins to morph into a form of sexual frustration, which he can only relieve by logging into a forum called The Coli and, along with a frightening number of other sexually confused males, begin to bytch about the lack of "Quality black women" ad nauseum. Many of them will even take on the theory (long since disproven by fact) that pasty pale white women (affectionately known as PAWGS by the more racially neutered black males) are preferable in appreciating the lack of confidence and social skill of these individuals.

They then go on to live lives consisting of pornographic addiction and masturbation (known as "fapping") using their own tears as lubricant.


Thanks, Ziggiy for being 100% and a man about it :hug:
Dec 3, 2015
Can you court a woman nowadays without being a simp?
It depends. I treat women as equals for the most part. I don't do anything for a woman that she wouldn't do for me. If you do something for her that she'd never do for you in a million years then you are pretty much a Simp. It's the same as loaning a friend a dollar on a consistent basis and that friend is not willing to loan you a dollar ever, that's you letting yourself be taken advantage of, it's the same as simping. I'd treat a woman with respect but I'm not pulling out chairs and shyt like it's the 1950's or treat her the same way I'd treat a handicap person. Me pulling out a chair for a woman I just met on our first date is pretty much me saying "I put you before me" which is immensely untrue considering I don't put anyone who is not a young child, old person, handicapped or a person who I don't truly love before my self, yet alone someone I just met.
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