1. Why do you keep saying I called you a c00n, again, can you point me to where I called you a c00n ?! This 'everyone is a c00n or c00n' and 'y'all are fake militants/black st0rmfr0nts' has become your version of 'what about black on black crime' you keep going on and on about me calling you a c00n/cac when was this ?! Please quote it. It's your straw man tactic and it's distracting from the real arguement.
2. Nah mate, I'm not at Barclay or UBS. What kinda trash firms are those ?! I'm at either Goldman, JP or Merrill Lynch. Take your pick.
3. LOL at the new deflection that black people shouldn't get corporate jobs

man, I made a thread earliar this year that I work with a Charity which gets black kids into Wall Street firms. At my time at my firm I've helped 7 people get jobs here and counting. Ask the coli brehs how much help and advice I give on getting jobs here. I view my role as OPPOSITE. My inside information has allowed me to advise all my African people over here who are none the wiser on what stocks to buy, what to invest in and inside information on the markets. My parents have portfolios because I had inside information to help them
4. Do you really think us blacks, especially on Wall Street are on here for fun ?! Dude don't let me reveal 10 year plans but just know a lot of my portfolio is in Helios, a Nigerian investment firm (ask
@Poitier ) do you think we are acquiring these degrees to tap dance for the rest of our lives ?! My parents have used the white man for all they can and now they are going back home and I'm gonna do the same. Do you know how much of my portfolio is invested in West Africa. Do you know anything at all ?! Do you think I hope to live in Europe forever ?! NO. I'm moving back to West Africa, like my parents did.
5. DO NOT DISCOURAGE BLACK PEOPLE FROM HIGH PROFILE JOBS! How the fukk do you think Jews and Asians have been able to build so much wealth ?! You work at an investment bank for a few years, get the information you need then gtfo out.
6. I'm the same IRL. I'm the absolute same and to your biggest suprise you'll find there are black people like this who are pro black IRL. Every heard of the black committee at investment firms ?!
@gator_king made a thread earlier this month about blacks who help other blacks get jobs. WE EXIST. We are part of the African boards at our firms, we have black wives.
7. It is very very very telling about your upbringing and just how far gone you are that you don't realize many black people are like this IRL. Ask any African person
@Hiphoplives4eva and
@*L*E*G*A*C*Y* most immigrants are naturally 'problack' as they are very very wary of white people. My parents did not have ONE white friend. I've never even had a white person visit my house before.

A lot of black children are raised to be wary of white people so grow up not to fratenise with them. It's shocking you have lived a life where you think these people are an internet myth.
8. MOST people of color are wary of white people believe it or not, that's what
@Mowgli been trying to tell you, you don't get it. You been around them so long you don't get that most people speak about white supremacy every single day.
I'm actually in awe about where you were raised, your parents, your upbringing because you seem like you are in actual shock that some black people like this exist.

from age 10, I remember my mum telling me 'dont bring no pig girl (white girl) home to me' My mum used to call white people pigs, say they can't be trusted etc.
Most black kids were raised by parents who would be considered 'militants' today with how much they went on about 'white folks' and how evil they are.
Is ths honestly news to you ?!
Man, you are more far gone than I thought, good luck with your life. You're going to need it.