Separating ourselves from the hood mentality is an issue that we need to fix.
Sure there are some black men who are bad but we shoudlnt let them define us.
Separating ourselves from the hood mentality is an issue that we need to fix.
Sure there are some black men who are bad but we shoudlnt let them define us.
negging people for being white is racist thoBecause black people are fed up and waking up in droves.
I joined SOHH when I was 15 years old. I am now 24. I did not have a black conscience back then. I do now.
Lol @ black storm front though. Telling the truth about white supremacy don't make us racist.
Yup, the Zimmerman verdict changed things in TLR. Then right after that there was Renisha McBride and Jordan Davis. Things continued into 2014.
TLR (and The Coli at large) will be very tense if Darren Wilson gets off.
Honest question. I thought this was Sports, Hip Hop and Piff. Somedays it looks like Black st0rmfr0nt or FruitofIslam.comI posted on SOHH back in the day. Nikkas got exposed everyday, Stan Wars were in full effect, Big Biz kept us fed and full with links to everything and JBO was like Sodom and Gomorrah. Shyt was
I don't remember SOHH being so militant and angry. What prompted this change brehs?
The scary part is that so many of these people don't realize that if they were white and used the same rationality as they use now they would exactly be like the racists they criticize whether it's from the exaggerations, the stereotyping, the ignoring of history (black history, white history, Asian history, middle eastern history etc) and different sciences or twisting it to fit your agenda, so many of these threads have basically turned into a reverse YouTube comment section, they take a single article or a single opinion from an article and run with it as a representation of an entire group of people whether it's calling all white people gay or pedophiles, they have a strange dislike for black people who don't fit into their box of what they should be, and they will be the first to call foul when someone makes a racist joke about black people but will be okay with perpetuating stereotypes about other groups of people and making racist jokes like calling Indians Apu and when it comes to the homophobia on here they use verbatim the same rational as racist white people down to that's just how it is where I'm from and their cognitive bias doesn't allow to them see this and everything else I listed and it's easier to think in black and whites. I honestly feel that to an extent thecoli is out of touch with the actual state of race relations in America.
The thread on the 15 year old white boy being raped was disgusting.
There's a problem when they're quicker to believe that all of these people who shyt on black women and praise white women irrationally are black but people who have dissenting opinions are immediately "Cave Beasts" (a slur) or cacs.
Yep. These cacs don't understand that no matter how many times they through out militant as if it's a bad thing. Black folks are waking up in bunches. You see it in Ferguson. You see it everywhere on the internet. It's happening andat these cacs.
This whole "you're only problack for daps" conspiracy needs to stop
I get more love posting a randomsmiley than I ever have "pretending to be problack"
lol @ "the scary part. "
So......... the "scary" part is whatever you want to imagine black people think........ Not the realities of white supremacy, racism, disenfranchisement, and a community of lost people?
Then you point out the youtube comment section. You could have pointed out any comment section on virtually any site on the net and What do you get ......... Random, crazy, and misguided racist comments from White people, Asian people, and c00n related black people attempting to appeal the Mainstream society. .
On Thecoli you don't get stuff like that. You get people who point out cac actions, world wide fukkkery, and info about history.
Then you're trying to diss pro black posters about the so called " actual state of race relations in America"Now
black people who are problack and black in general are responsible for the 'state' of something in Amerikka or are out of touch with it..
At you even thinking that CAC is a racist term. If you believe that then you don't understand racism.
The truth is the truth.... There is a reason that if you tune in to any media outlet, online forum, white community, majority white political group, etc.... you will find similar results and sentiments.I guess that's the fault of black people.
associate black american with poverty, brehs
These lame militants discovered that it's a lot simpler to fish for daps/reps by posting a bunch of fake outrage and angry words then it is to actively try to better the community. I respect none of these niccas at all, bunch of dudes just searching for a cause to be a part of something cause daddy didn't want to be around them. shyt is fukking embarrassing most of the time. It's a shame cause there are some dudes in here that probably do participate in their community and seek out the betterment of black folks as a whole but the majority are just some lame ass niccas with no direction.