What is with the push for emasculating men?


In and out
Oct 6, 2012
Lol@ thinking this is what women want. You think women are attracted to beta males?

I think in most comedies, there is a great push for emasculating men- because men who don't act manly are 'funny'. You haven't seen this recently, you've seen it since the times of "Bewitched" and "I Love Lucy".

I don't see a societal appreciation for emasculated men in workplaces, politics, and sports.


Top Rankin
May 1, 2012
Anyone seriously worried about this...

...is an emasculated man to me :manny:
lol at these dudes acting like sitcoms are some kind of big social experiment. Its a sitcom. Probably with mostly women viewers. The stupid husband, sensible wife is a COMEDIC formula. And the husband (a comedic actor) is usually getting paid twice as much as the wife for the role (becuz nobody tunes in to see some sensible bytch being sensible)...and 80% of the writers, producers and execs involved in the show are probable men too..

same answer to all of these threads: If you feel emasculated then blame your father (or lack thereof)

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
lol at these dudes acting like sitcoms are some kind of big social experiment. Its a sitcom. Probably with mostly women viewers. The stupid husband, sensible wife is a COMEDIC formula. And the husband (a comedic actor) is usually getting paid twice as much as the wife for the role (becuz nobody tunes in to see some sensible bytch being sensible)...and 80% of the writers, producers and execs involved in the show are probable men too..

same answer to all of these threads: If you feel emasculated then blame your father (or lack thereof)

Word. This thread is :mindblown: Dumb dads and husbands have been a meme in sitcoms for decades because it's a fukking sitcom, short for situational COMEDY. :snoop: How funny would it be to have some Furious Styles dude as a sitcom dad?

If you feel your masculinity is threatened by NBC's primetime lineup, you have some serious insecurities with your sense of manhood.


Top Rankin
May 1, 2012
How funny would it be to have some Furious Styles dude as a sitcom dad?



But it could be hilarious. Cuz this is the first thing that came to my mind:

But yeah, James Evans, Cliff Huxtable, Uncle Phil, George Jefferson. If you're talking just black sitcoms then the argument doesn't even work. Stop watching that Jim Belushi bullshyt and the problem is solved.
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Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
Feminized populations are way easier to control. If you look at who leads strong resistances all throughout history, it's men. Dave Chappelle spoke on his Oprah interview on how they tried to get him to wear a skirt and how so many leading black men had to dress up in a skirt or do a homosexual role.

When Jesus was in the desert and after fasting, Satan came to him and asked Jesus to bow down and then He would be given all the kingdoms from Satan. Jesus refused, but so many of these rich are actually esotericists/Luciferians. One of the keys for these groups is to produce an androgynous society where men embrace femininity and women embrace masculinity. This destruction of the gender roles will lead to a great deal of confusion, in which these elites will be able to reprogram people. As they say, "Order from chaos." When you look at that picture of Baphomet, you see the male goat head on a female body.

If there was only a couple of commercials and shows showing the emasculated male, I'd chalk that up to the natural way of things. When virtually all shows have the same THEME, it's obvious there is an agenda behind it. Prominent feminist Gloria Steinem was actually on the CIA payroll.

Now, you know they will always test in on the black population first. In 1944, the black illegitimacy rate was 11%. Now it's 70%. Blacks live in a matriarchy... Who is the head of most families in the black community? That's right, single mothers. They've run those various policies on us with devastating success. Now guess what population is one of the most controlled in America? That's right, prisoners. 80% of federal inmates come from a single mother home.

When you remove the father from the home, the mother must find a new provider, and that provider is usually the government. This dependence leads the mother and her household to be highly dependent on the government, and thus, under the government's control. Making one dependent on you in order to exert control is a classic 'power play.' These women now may think they are miss independent and they are doing everything on their own, but when society collapses and jobs are nowhere near as prevalent, who do you think they will turn to to find subsistence for their kids and themselves if there is no man in the home? Government.

Look at the marriage rates in society nowadays. You even have movements against marriage. This was all foretold.

Reversing the gender roles is a critical element for this eventual creation of the new world order.

:snoop: Only in HL do dudes go from talking about Homer Simpson to Lucifer, Baphomet, the CIA, Bible verses, and population control conspiracies.

john goodman

All Star
May 1, 2012
At the end of the day it isn't so bad...

Men are free to smoke pot and play video games while women take the role of wage earning serfs. Let them have a turn since a career is sooo fufilling lol. This makes sex easily attainable (no marriage necessary) and allows me to live an easy life exploiting the serfs. Here's to the future !
Aug 6, 2012
This is what women want..They treat their sons like little girls. Teach them dad is the bad guy, men are bad. A man raises his son not to let anything overwhelm or shake him. That's considered barbaric nowadays but we do it out of love.

Yesterday I spent a fukking hour teaching my cousin to do push ups because he's way out of shape and believed he can't do anything about it. His mother, aunt and sister acted like it was a torture camp, trying to undermine my shyt on the sly and the boy knew it, he is so used to emotionality and self-pity he resisted putting sincere effort into it as long as he possibly could, believing he'd get cuddled and forgiven for not manning up and trying.

slap him

Mr. Somebody

Friend Of A Friend
May 10, 2012
Los Angeles
Women have a hard time understanding and appreciating the amount of bloodshed, violence and masculinity it has taken for men to build the society we are in now. Sadly, it wont be until there is a lack of order that they realize their place in nations where they emasculate men. I hope you friends arent procreating with these rebellious individuals. To rebel against men is to rebel against God.

1 Timothy 2:11-15

Let a woman learn quietly with all submissiveness. I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet. For Adam was formed first, then Eve; and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor. Yet she will be saved through childbearing—if they continue in faith and love and holiness, with self-control.

Ephesians 5:22-33

Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit in everything to their husbands. Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, ...

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
The purpose is to weaken the spirit of men in order to make their resistance to what's coming futile. It's pretty obvious, but men have to remember that they always have a choice in the matter. They can always be like :childplease: and walk away.
Women are getting more education and the % of households in which the woman is the breadwinner (and ISN'T SINGLE) is growing pretty quickly. You got nikkas running to Brazil because they feel inferior and emasculated by black American women who often make more $$$ than they do. I would say its a pretty accurate representation of a growing trend actually.

The question is, what are you gonna do about it... complain and play the victim, or not get fed up by the noise and handle your business like a man adult is SUPPOSED to do? Who gives a fukk about what is on TV?

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
Word. This thread is :mindblown: Dumb dads and husbands have been a meme in sitcoms for decades because it's a fukking sitcom, short for situational COMEDY. :snoop: How funny would it be to have some Furious Styles dude as a sitcom dad?

If you feel your masculinity is threatened by NBC's primetime lineup, you have some serious insecurities with your sense of manhood.

Exactly... what kind of man catches feelings over a god damn sitcom... turn off the TV you bytches :pachaha:

Julius Skrrvin

I be winkin' through the scope
May 28, 2012
To me this is an extension of a lot of the same feelings toward homophobia and the media and all that. Why are so many of you guys so insecure about all of this? Are you concerned about your children being emasculated or fakkits or whatever because of possible influence from television? If that's the case, go ahead and raise them the way you want to. Nobody's really stopping you from doing what you want. For the record, I have never ever ever heard a heterosexual female say that they like emasculated males. Maybe androgynous pretty boys, but since when has that been strange?

The only way you could feel truly upset about this whole thing is if you personally feel emasculated or insecure by the growing education and financial status of women. Or if you truly believe that women are inferior to you and deserve less opportunities and unequal treatment in life. If the former is the case, i strongly suggest you do some soul searching and confidence building, because you pretty much feel threatened by them. If the latter is the case... you're probably just an a$$hole.

I swear to god sometimes a few of yall sound like a bunch of racist ass old cacs on st0rmfr0nt, projecting everything you can on other people and blaming everything on conspiracy theories and the media. Nobody is trying to stop you from being a man, unless your conception of masculinity intrinsically includes being dominant over women and not seeing them as people, but inferior.