In the real world, love bombing a female has to fit ALL of these criteria
- an attractive man
- to her
- part of that attraction can be fame, money, or power, not just a handsome face and good body.
- at the time
- but not now
- hollas at a middling female/or chick punching above her weight class
- Is actually nice/respectful to her
- Compliments her
- follows up with more positive actions
- And she allows himto
- Get serious with her,. and become a long term bf, move in, get married
The most important elements is that the guy is "hot", and she is "not", and she
lets him be nice to her.
If he's not "hot", it doesn't go anywhere.
If she's actually attractive, it's just love, not love bombing.
If she allows his behavior and gets caught up in it - it's his fault, his intention to hurt her. She's a victim, not a willing conspirator.
Without her complicity, the same actions are not love bombing.
Because ugly men promise and often deliver the moon, say they love a chick - and the chicks in question DGAF, put the guy in the friend zone, treat him as a simp, etc. That's 24/7/365 and 366 on a leap year.
So the fat chick that got married, and wondered who did I marry?
That was love bombing.