What is Israel going to do about their black jews?

May 16, 2012
Check this stupid AA out, never set foot in africa, but knows everything about it Oh boy oh joy this is going to be fun.

Let me guess, arabs are black, in what world is an arab black? ask an arab if he is black and watch the hand of ali slap the Mohammed out of you. You stupid muppet we are bitter rivals of the arabs, they are nomads from the Levant, they are the initiators of slavery, they are thieves, and have been for CENTURIES. They have dark features and curly hair because of environment you fool. That is not what constitutes being black, being from africa is being black.. The Levant are native to their land, they are not african you stupid lost black diaspora. How dare you speak on the continent from your caclands, speng! Continents are not divided by land mass? Is North and South America the same continent now? I suggest you look up the definition of a continent before you continue making more of a fool of yourself. No amount of laff smilies will deflect the dumbest shyt I've read all day.

and how dare an AA call me a cac, you have your masters blood running through your veins. Show me dna proof you are 100% african. Receipts. :nktpls:

here are the words of arabs about themselves:

“…the predominant complexion of the Arabs is dark brownish black and that of the non-Arabs is white.” Ibn Mandour (14th Century)Lisaan al-Arab IV:209.

14th century Arab linguist and grammarian Ibn Mandhour spoke of in his text, Arab Lessons(or Lisaan al-Arab) noting that Arabs were distinguished by their brown-black skins and kinky hair, while fair skin and lank hair was characteristic of the Persians (Lisaan al-Arab ).

The Arabs used to take pride in their brown and black complexion (al-sumra wa al-sawād) and they had a distaste for a white and fair complexion (al-ḥumra wa al-shaqra), and they used to say that such was the complexion of the non-Arabs.” Ibn Abi al-Hadid 13th c. citing the 9th century Al-Mubarrad in Sharh nahj al-balaghah, V:56.

The early accounts with descriptions of the earliest Arabians, along with physical anthropological evidence show that until approximately 600 years ago peoples of mainly African-Asiatic affiliation dominated most of peninsular Arabia. Though today a good number of people of the Arabian peninsula resemble the majority of the people of the Levant (Syria, Lebanon, Palestine). In fact certain writers of Syrian and Andalusian origin such as Al-Umari and Ibn Khaldun of the 14th century considered Arabia part of the “Bilad es-Sudan” - or lands of “the Sudan” or black peoples. Ibn Khaldun in particular includes the regions of Arabia (Hijaz, and Central Arabia or Nejd) in his chapter on “the 2nd zone of Sudan”.

As David Goldenberg writes, “This view of the Arab as dark-skinned is also found among other peoples, as is indicated by the term arap (i.e., Arab) meaning 'black African' in modern Turkish, Greek, and Russian, as well as in Yiddish” (Goldenberg, 2005, p. 124). And, this is the case because their peoples still have folk history of the original Arab invaders of their lands. The descriptions and depictions of the earliest Arabs or kara-Arapy (“black Arabs”) are not infrequent in their histories and folktales.

There is, for example, the texts of the Kurdish writer Ibn Athir (12th – 13th century) which speak of the Sulaym/Sulaim folk hero "Sa’d al-Aswad" as being literally black because he came from the “purest” Arabs. A Persian Jewish Targum to Song 1: 5 uses the phrase “black as the Kushytes who live in the tents of Kedar.” to describe peoples of north Arabia. (Goldenberg, p. 244) There are also numerous early indigenous paintings as found below.

Afro-Asiatica: An Odyssey in Black: January 2013

and here are portraits of arabs by europeans:

An Arab in a turban. Konstantin Makovsky, 1882.
Portrait of an Arab paint by the Belgian artist Joseph van Severdonck (1819-1905)
Arab boy. Konstantin Makovsky, 1882.
Portrait of Moroccan. José Tapiro y Baro,

Portraits of Moroccans by Spanish artist José Tapiro y Baro (1830-1913)
Portraits of Moroccans by Spanish artist José Tapiro y Baro (1830-1913)



May 17, 2013
“…the predominant complexion of the Arabs is dark brownish black and that of the non-Arabs is white.” Ibn Mandour (14th Century)Lisaan al-Arab IV:209.

14th century Arab linguist and grammarian Ibn Mandhour spoke of in his text, Arab Lessons(or Lisaan al-Arab) noting that Arabs were distinguished by their brown-black skins and kinky hair, while fair skin and lank hair was characteristic of the Persians (Lisaan al-Arab ).

The Arabs used to take pride in their brown and black complexion (al-sumra wa al-sawād) and they had a distaste for a white and fair complexion (al-ḥumra wa al-shaqra), and they used to say that such was the complexion of the non-Arabs.” Ibn Abi al-Hadid 13th c. citing the 9th century Al-Mubarrad in Sharh nahj al-balaghah, V:56.

The early accounts with descriptions of the earliest Arabians, along with physical anthropological evidence show that until approximately 600 years ago peoples of mainly African-Asiatic affiliation dominated most of peninsular Arabia. Though today a good number of people of the Arabian peninsula resemble the majority of the people of the Levant (Syria, Lebanon, Palestine). In fact certain writers of Syrian and Andalusian origin such as Al-Umari and Ibn Khaldun of the 14th century considered Arabia part of the “Bilad es-Sudan” - or lands of “the Sudan” or black peoples. Ibn Khaldun in particular includes the regions of Arabia (Hijaz, and Central Arabia or Nejd) in his chapter on “the 2nd zone of Sudan”.

As David Goldenberg writes, “This view of the Arab as dark-skinned is also found among other peoples, as is indicated by the term arap (i.e., Arab) meaning 'black African' in modern Turkish, Greek, and Russian, as well as in Yiddish” (Goldenberg, 2005, p. 124). And, this is the case because their peoples still have folk history of the original Arab invaders of their lands. The descriptions and depictions of the earliest Arabs or kara-Arapy (“black Arabs”) are not infrequent in their histories and folktales.

There is, for example, the texts of the Kurdish writer Ibn Athir (12th – 13th century) which speak of the Sulaym/Sulaim folk hero "Sa’d al-Aswad" as being literally black because he came from the “purest” Arabs. A Persian Jewish Targum to Song 1: 5 uses the phrase “black as the Kushytes who live in the tents of Kedar.” to describe peoples of north Arabia. (Goldenberg, p. 244) There are also numerous early indigenous paintings as found below.

Afro-Asiatica: An Odyssey in Black: January 2013

An Arab in a turban. Konstantin Makovsky, 1882.
Portrait of an Arab paint by the Belgian artist Joseph van Severdonck (1819-1905)
Arab boy. Konstantin Makovsky, 1882.
Portrait of Moroccan. José Tapiro y Baro,

Portraits of Moroccans by Spanish artist José Tapiro y Baro (1830-1913)
Portraits of Moroccans by Spanish artist José Tapiro y Baro (1830-1913)

Frederico Bartolini: Portrait of an Arab Man

Did you read your links? It basically just told you exactly what I said. Arabs are their own people. :laff:

and then you just posted a bunch of african muslims to try to make a point. HOLY shyt. :laff::laff::laff: fukking AA's lose yet again! I suggest you just stick with american history and cac history.

This fukking speng thinks being dark brown with kinky hair is what makes you black. :laff:
Human Phenotypes are evolved via environment, they are dark because they come from the HOTTEST, yes more hot than west africa, region in the world. Of course they will have kinky hair, they are desert people, you fool. :laff: but they are not native to africa, they are semites. They have been in the levant for over 40,000 years. hahaha
May 16, 2012
Did you read your links? It basically just told you exactly what I said. Arabs are their own people. :laff:

and then you just posted a bunch of african muslims to try to make a point. HOLY shyt. :laff::laff::laff: fukking AA's lose yet again! I suggest you just stick with american history and cac history.

This fukking speng thinks being dark brown with kinky hair is what makes you black. :laff:

i guess when you can't argue against facts, all you can do is rant and use smileys. Race is nothing but a social construct. There is no objective test to determine whether someone is black or not. I'm not here to convince you that the Arabs are black if you think dark skin and kinky hair doesn't make someone black.

Just so we have it on the record, you do accept that the original arabs had DARK BROWN SKIN and KINKY HAIR? Cause thats all I'm arguing. And to me that is all you need to be black. You can disagree. That is fine with me. I just want it to be known that you accept that the original arabs had dark brown skin and kinky hair.


May 17, 2013
i guess when you can't argue against facts, all you can do is rant and use smileys. Race is nothing but a social construct. There is no objective test to determine whether someone is black or not. I'm not here to convince you that the Arabs are black if you think dark skin and kinky hair doesn't make someone black.

Just so we have it on the record, you do accept that the original arabs had DARK BROWN SKIN and KINKY HAIR? Cause thats all I'm arguing. And to me that is all you need to be black. You can disagree. That is fine with me. I just want it to be known that you accept that the original arabs had dark brown skin and kinky hair.
Read the edit. and yes I can define black. black = african. It's that simple. Native african, native ancient african, not the arab invaders. Berbers are native to our land, they are black. It's that simple.
May 16, 2012
and then you just posted a bunch of african muslims to try to make a point. ha

FYI all those pictures are entitled ARABS or MOORS. nothing in them suggested they are "Africans". You just want to believe that because their phenotypes are indentical to africans that they are somehow not arab.


May 17, 2013
FYI all those pictures are entitled ARABS or MOORS. nothing in them suggested they are "Africans". You just want to believe that because their phenotypes are indentical to africans that they are somehow not arab.
Clown, Moors constituted of arabs and african muslims. Islam ran through africa, converted millions and embraced them in their army while they back stabbed us and stole our gold. Why do you think Musa of Mali went bankrupt and the Ottoman and Arab Empire magically surpassed? The Abbasid Caliphate finally defeated the berbers and plundered africa before entering europe, off the backs of black africans. A few c00ns dressing up as arabs and breeding with them does not impress me.
May 16, 2012
Read the edit. and yes I can define black. black = african. It's that simple. Native african, native ancient african, not the arab invaders. Berbers are native to our land, they are black. It's that simple.

then we simply have a different definition of black. to me black is not only anyone with any recent african ancestry, but also anyone with features that are typical of africans (i.e. dark brown skin, kinky hair, full lips, etc.) So I would not only consider all africans black, but also groups like the austrialian aborigines, the andamense islanders, and the negritos of the pacific islands.

all these people are obviously not africans and separated genetically from africans but I still consider them black.





Jul 17, 2013
Check this stupid AA out, never set foot in africa, but knows everything about it Oh boy oh joy this is going to be fun.

Let me guess, arabs are black, in what world is an arab black? ask an arab if he is black and watch the hand of ali slap the Mohammed out of you. You stupid muppet we are bitter rivals of the arabs, they are nomads from the Levant, they are the initiators of slavery, they are thieves, and have been for CENTURIES. They have dark features and curly hair because of environment you fool. That is not what constitutes being black, being from africa is being black.. The Levant are native to their land, they are not african you stupid lost black diaspora. How dare you speak on the continent from your caclands, speng! Continents are not divided by land mass? Is North and South America the same continent now? I suggest you look up the definition of a continent before you continue making more of a fool of yourself. No amount of laff smilies will deflect the dumbest shyt I've read all day.

and how dare an AA call me a cac, you have your masters blood running through your veins. Show me dna proof you are 100% african. Receipts. :nktpls:
what are you trying to accomplish..
May 16, 2012
Clown, Moors constituted of arabs and african muslims. Islam ran through africa, converted millions and embraced them in their army while they back stabbed us and stole our gold. Why do you think Musa of Mali went bankrupt and the Ottoman and Arab Empire magically surpassed? The Abbasid Caliphate finally defeated the berbers and plundered africa before entering europe, off the backs of black africans. A few c00ns dressing up as arabs and breeding with them does not impress me.

the word Moor in europe was a synonym for BLACK not african. you are making the mistake of assuming that these black moors or arabs are atypical or not the norm of the groups that took over europe and spread islam. why are making this assumption? you've been brainwashed by white supremacy. if the black moors or arabs were not the norm, why would almost all the potraits and words used to describe the moors describe them as black?


Jul 17, 2013
he's a cac pretending to be black saying that having dark skin and kinky hair isn't black.

fukk this cac. same types that try to deny egypt and the moors as black.
the rage he has, he's not whtie.. i know his posting patterns.


May 17, 2013
then we simply have a different definition of black. to me black is not only anyone with any recent african ancestry, but also anyone with features that are typical of africans (i.e. dark brown skin, kinky hair, full lips, etc.) So I would not only consider all africans black, but also groups like the austrialian aborigines, the andamense islanders, and the negritos of the pacific islands.

all these people are obviously not africans and separated genetically from africans but I still consider them black.



These are not black people, if you test their dna, they are closer to asian or islander. Phenotype is environment, that is the last time I am going to say that.

Humans adjust to their environment, or in the case of andamense, they never changed from the ancient men that walked to that region. Culturally and linguistically I share nothing with these people, they are in fact closer to their neighbors albeit asian or islanders. We eat completely different foods, have different skeletal structures, linguistics, muscle tones, stature and culture. We have evolved different on the inside, we share similar skin tones because of our regional environment, and the fact that they didn't change.

You said race is a social construct, I do not socialise with these people. I have no cultural relations with them, I do, however have social relations with fellow africans, down to even simple hunting techniques shared throughout the entire continent. That is why africans are black, because socially (construct) we are the same.


May 17, 2013
he's a cac pretending to be black saying that having dark skin and kinky hair isn't black.

fukk this cac. same types that try to deny egypt and the moors as black.
I have more than enough people on here who have spoken to me in my dialect tongue, no cac knows what I know, nor can speak my dialect, cut that stupid ignorant shyt off, when you lose a debate you go off calling someone a cac or c00n, typical coli emotions, we've all seen it.

on top of that, I've seen you, and you for sure are mixed with cac blood, how ironic.
May 16, 2012
These are not black people, if you test their dna, they are closer to asian or islander. Phenotype is environment, that is the last time I am going to say that.

Humans adjust to their environment, or in the case of andamense, they never changed from the ancient men that walked to that region. Culturally and linguistically I share nothing with these people, they are in fact closer to their neighbors albeit asian or islanders. We eat completely different foods, have different skeletal structures, linguistics, muscle tones, stature and culture. We have evolved different on the inside, we share similar skin tones because of our regional environment, and the fact that they didn't change.

You said race is a social construct, I do not socialise with these people. I have no cultural relations with them, I do, however have social relations with fellow africans, down to even simple hunting techniques shared throughout the entire continent. That is why africans are black, because socially (construct) we are the same.

race is just phenotype. stop with all this dna or culture shyt. back in the day, when cacs decided to oppress black folks across the world, they didn't check DNA or care that there are cultural or dietary difference. race as we know it, was all about just how you looked aka phenotype.

we'll just have to agree to disagree, because if your completely gonna disregard phenotype then we have nothing else to discuss.


Jul 17, 2013
These are not black people, if you test their dna, they are closer to asian or islander. Phenotype is environment, that is the last time I am going to say that.

Humans adjust to their environment, or in the case of andamense, they never changed from the ancient men that walked to that region. Culturally and linguistically I share nothing with these people, they are in fact closer to their neighbors albeit asian or islanders. We eat completely different foods, have different skeletal structures, linguistics, muscle tones, stature and culture. We have evolved different on the inside, we share similar skin tones because of our regional environment, and the fact that they didn't change.

You said race is a social construct, I do not socialise with these people. I have no cultural relations with them, I do, however have social relations with fellow africans, down to even simple hunting techniques shared throughout the entire continent. That is why africans are black, because socially (construct) we are the same.
i incline to agree to race being a social construct.
