i give up, you can't reason with fools i don't know why i tried. i thought it was possible but i guess not you and that badguy whatever his name is need to go through some sort of reprogramming becuase clearly you can't see the forest beyond the trees
Fam, thats the best thing you could do, rather than have an intelligent debate about Biafra you decided to do something stupid.....
a lot of Igbo people have problems with the pro Biafra movement, and that includes people that want Biafra .... because they dont like Kanu
I said in a post earlier If you have independence , he is not the one to lead you
This is a man that said that 90% of Igbo women are prostitutes ....
This is the man that said any Igbo person that wants to remain in Nigeria is a pig..... you would think that he would try and persuade his people to come on board, but no he insults them because they have different beliefs
He doesnt care about the igbos who live outside Igbo lands because he did he wouldnt be insulting all other tribes which has led to various tensions and igbos being asked to leave certain lands... its as if he has decided that when you have independence no Igbo should live outside Biafra
He doesnt even respect igbo leaders... he desecrated sacred ground in the Nri kingdom which is supposedly the cradle of Igbo civilisation and the tribal elders want to take him to customary court ....
This idiot is a dictator in making ....... which is why even some of the Igbo people who support the cause dont support him
It reminds me of the way , you and some other dudes in this thread think.... no concept of reality , no concept of what the repercussions of your ill thought statements will have .....
people like you post shyt from the safety of your house outside the country, screaming for war but you aint there putting your life on the line reaping the consequences of your utterances..... its real easy being an armchair warrior when you arent the one in the frontline...