Biafra will not see the light of day and I say that because not all Igbo are united in the cause. The chief instigator, Nnamdi Kanu is a fraud. His recent comments shows us the FACT remains that Biafra cannot function without Oil and/or fertile farmland. Since he began his quest for "independence" he has forcefully tried to co-opt the Southern and Middle-Belt geopolitical zones into Bia-fraud. This is because Oil is king and southern Nigeria has it all and Biafra doesn't. The middle-belt has an abundance of farm land. The 5 Igbo states that primarily comprise Biafra are a landlocked region plagued with erosion and desperately needs direct access to the seaports Southern Nigeria has to offer in order to effectively utilize the skills Igbos are known for, trading. Nnamdi Kanu just told us that the Nigerian government offered to give him Biafra with the 5 Igbo states ONLY. He refused, and according to him there can be no Biafra without Benue and Rivers States

. For those that don't know Nigeria, Rivers State is the oil and gas capital of Nigeria. Benue state has some of the most fertile farmland in Nigeria and the local populations of both states have repeatedly rejected the idea of biafra.
In fact all across Southern Nigeria all the ethnic social groups have denounced Biafra and do not support being forcefully included in the Igbos quest for self determination. Plus notable Persons of the igbo extract that happened to be alive during the first civil war have already condemned calls for Biafra after witnessing the death of millions of their Igbo brothers and sisters for a fruitless cause. These youngins like Kanu ain't ready for the kind of Civil war that will engulf Nigeria and all of West Africa that this agitation can bring.
It has already been stated that the Biafra agitation along with Boko Haram are just more of the same destabilization tricks used by the West to prevent Nigeria from reaching it's potential. Amnesty international has already been caught funding the effort so that in itself removes any legitimacy from the cause. The average Igbo businessman is plying his trade in Northern Nigeria, Lagos and Port Harcourt, Biafra will be bad for business, hence the lack of widespread support. I currently live in Southern Nigeria and have plenty of receipts to back everything I'm saying