So we gonna act like brothers aren't doing the same? Look at some of the white chicks PROFESSIONAL ATHLETES are putting rings on. No disrespect to them personally, but you're telling me RG3, Charles Barkley, and Russ Wilson all couldn't do MUCH better?
they all get clowned too.
and at least in RG3's case, he scooped up a known niqqer-lover with money before he had money of his own.
usually, most of these celebs that marry white women are usually dudes that werent pulling any bad black jawns growing up for one reason or another.........THE JASON PITTS SYNDROME.
but the knife thru the hearts of black women across america was when taye diggs married that random-lookin white girl. now that one right there was a hurt-piece for them.
its much worse when it comes to the white girls that the average brother gets with though
the difference is, the average brother will knock down any chick that gives him the time of day, no matter their race or rating.
and lets be reality, most of the black dudes wifing up unattractive white women are basically dudes that cant pull attractive black women. either that or theyre living off the white broad.
come to atlanta then. shyt has been going on since 2009. I think the recession has something to do with it honestly
that may be because most of the black men in atlanta are too busy f*ckin each other.