What do you mean?T Swift is a plant. She can't sing, can't dance and writes the most basic songs yet she's a global superstar
The city of Atlanta was an experiment that went horribly wrong

What do you mean?T Swift is a plant. She can't sing, can't dance and writes the most basic songs yet she's a global superstar
The city of Atlanta was an experiment that went horribly wrong
I'm convinced life was planted in the oceans by more advanced civilizations. Some would look at that and say it flies in the face of religious origin teachings but it really doesn't at all. It does offer a unique take on what God is defined as. Instead of being an entity He is simply a race of beings beyond our comprehension.Bigfoot exists. There are things about its biology we don't understand(I personally think it has some kind of way to make itself invisible through bending light in some weird way of traveling through portals).
We are not the first advanced civilization on this planet. I think that's the easiest explanation for UFOs if they are in fact not human made. An advanced alien species could be living deep in our oceans and we wouldn't know it
There is evidence plants respond well to influences such as music.My plants grow faster when playing trip hop
Some believe that our DNA was modified by the Anunnaki with their own and had we been allowed to evolve naturally we would be Bigfoot. The ones that do exist can travel to different "dimensions."Bigfoot exists. There are things about its biology we don't understand(I personally think it has some kind of way to make itself invisible through bending light in some weird way of traveling through portals).
We are not the first advanced civilization on this planet. I think that's the easiest explanation for UFOs if they are in fact not human made. An advanced alien species could be living deep in our oceans and we wouldn't know it
...or maybe you died and your consciousness jump into a different timeline.God is real...I'll get hate for this but i been in a few situations where a higher power stepped in and rescued me...ain't no way it wasn't God![]()
I read that plants actually make noise that's about the same volume as a person speaking. We just can't hear it.My plants grow faster when playing trip hop
I agree to a certain extent. The empire broke down and the Europeans just took over an already established system and just injected chattel slavery.Crackpot theory #1:
Slavery was revenge for the Moorish occupation. In college when I learned that the Moors controlled Spain from 711-1492 A.D. but, then right as they kicked these cats out, this same country leads an expedition to the New World that same literal year (1492) and then began to scavenge the same coast of Africa where the Moors were from to get their slavesMaybe they went a bit further down from Morocco/Western Sahara but, it was the same general region
You kick out people that used to rule you for a millennia, then you get slaves from the same region of the world they were from
That TV show named for the city is more accurate than it seemsThe stuff I've seen there is just unreal... to me![]()
White people are a parasitic organism that were introduced to Earth from a meteor...thats why they can't be in the sun without burning![]()