Your gym is the Top 1%.....nobody benching 405 like got elite lifters where you at...You got some weak mofo's in your gym....
Bench-405: I saw it regularly when I went to a gym in encino(rich people who work out are on all type of steroids )
Squat: 4 plates, once in a while I see someone hit 3 plates like me, but rarely over 4....
Deadlift: 5 plates
Incline bench= never pay attention I dont do them
But in general I rarely see peeps do pull-ups, dips and push-ups....
Funny thing is mofo's cant wait to do bicep curls in the power rack
If people most only knew the cheat code to getting big arms. Oh well can't help every one
I always say cats on the internet Mr. Olympia, lifting like prime CT Fletcher but in reality if you can lift more than your weight, you're doing good out here.....and we don't know where you started so a 225 bench might be great if you started at 115 or something...