i see some of ya'll are mad dedicated to teaching them about santa apparently...... but what are you teaching them about racism with all the news these past few years?
how young should kids be taught about the reality of racism white supremacy?

i see some of ya'll are mad dedicated to teaching them about santa apparently...... but what are you teaching them about racism with all the news these past few years?
how young should kids be taught about the reality of racism white supremacy?
That SIN is the root of all hate, and discrimination.
It teachers her that racism comes from all colors, even blacks. No matter how she is treated her responsibility is to walk in love, and forgiveness, but at the same time recognize that God will fight her battles. She is taught that she is a spiritual being created by God, and that her color does not define who he has created her to be.And that's teaching them to combat racism white supremacy how? If you're black that is
It teachers her that racism comes from all colors, even blacks. No matter how she is treated her responsibility is to walk in love, and forgiveness, but at the same time recognize that God will fight her battles. She is taught that she is a spiritual being created by God, and that her color does not define who he has created her to be.
I'm almost 40 years old, and God has opened doors of prosperity for me by using some of the nastiest cacs who were my enemies. I allowed HIM to fight my battles, but I also used wisdom in my life choices when I was in certain situations where my race was a factor. I never walked around with fear, or impending doom that the world was out to get me because of the color of my skin. Nearly my entire youth and early adulthood was in the south where the majority of my family lives. I followed God's path and I am where I am today because of that.
I've thought about this--my son just turned 5 a couple of months ago. His preschool is mostly black, with sprinkles of other races, as is our neighborhood... He obviously knows whites, and I have a white friend with biracial children that he regularly sees(and sometimes her white friends are there with there white kids). He is just now understanding differences between shades(he refers to himself and those with his same Carmel shade: brown) and seems too young to really understand race whenever Ive tried to explain to him that he is black.
I think about if he will be at that stage next year when he is in kindergarten and TBH because he has a language processing and auditory processing disorder I don't know if he would be able to fully comprehend the way I believe many of his classmates probably would next year.
I would say on average it's probably a good idea to start talking about race around kindergarten when most kids traditionally enter school, white supremacy may be s difficult concept to teach at 5, but I imagine after going over the child's race with him or her that over time you could gradually introduce ideas that relate to it--like racism.
It's difficult to me to have a one size fits all approach because every child isn't at the same stage during their early years. I definitely think that the discussion should start taking place by age 7 though. I think we knew by age 7 because my mom and dad made us watch roots, taught us black history, and so on.
Your ignorance and hate is beyond pathetic. You need help.40, christian, leaving your battles to an imaginary god that you dont even know, forgiving people who want you dead. ..even in that cac christian bible you're poisoning your kids with it talks about different tribes and warnings about getting close to certain groups.
you're literally what's wrong with the black community with this christian shyt. negged![]()
Your ignorance and hate is beyond pathetic. You need help.
Ad hominem (Latin for "to the man" or "to the person"[1]), short for argumentum ad hominem, is a logical fallacy in which an argument is rebutted by attacking the character, motive, or other attribute of the person making the argument, or persons associated with the argument, rather than attacking the substance of the argument itself.[2]
If you feel it is an attack that is a "YOU" problem.
1. Your ignorant of the Christian religion, but I am not surprised by your ignorant anti Christian statements. I don't have the time to uneducate your ignorance about Christianity in Africa before one white person every told a black person about Jesus.
2. You are full of demonic hate, and fear. The teachings of MLK and Malcolm X have fallen on your deaf ears.
3. You need help.
1.so explain to me why you're worshipping the same god out of the same bible your enslavers follow? i know that the concept christianity comes from freemasonry which comes out of africa, but thats not the one you're following. Or do you attend an Ethiopian christian church?
quote me once where i said i hate anyone. you're right, the majority of mlk's teaching did fall on deaf ears because most of it was cac christian, integration bullshyt. He realized it shortly before he was murked by the same people he desperately wanted to love
its funny how ya'll cling on to christianity because it came from africa, but ya'll are scared of Ifa, vodou, santeria or any other african based traditions![]()
1.Christianity has nothing to do with freemasonry. Do you even know historically when the first time the word Christian was used? This is beyond ignorance.
2.The concept of Christianity does not come from Africa!
The word Christian is a first century term used by the inhabitants of Antioch which is modern day Syria.
You are clueless, and the more you type/talk demonstrates your ignorance.
4. The opposite of love is hate, and the vitriol in your posts affirm your disdain/hatred for white people.
5. You are correct, I do not follow Ifa because it is satanic, and demonically inspired.![]()
1. I bet you never noticed that jesus "the carpenter" died at"33" years oldi bet you also never noticed all of the cosmic allegories hidden in the bible either.
2.most of these christian concepts are on the walls in the pyramids in africa which existed thousands of years before christianity. dont be stupid and listen to every thing your pastor tells you. do your research.
3. what reasons have white people given me to love them?
4. Ifa is demonically inspired yet how many global wars has it caused? How many centuries of slave traders/owners were practicing Ifa or any african spiritual traditions?![]()