1.Fool I have an M.Div, prolly sure you have no idea what that is.
2. When you have actually studied the historical text in its original language like I have and had to for seminary then you can talk.
3. You are profoundly ignorant of the overwhelming archaeological finds of Old and New Testament artifacts. But once again you prolly have never traveled the biblical lands and actually done research for yourself like I have.
4. Keep your ignorant hotep rants to yourself. Also stop posting NON facts about true biblical Christianity, otherwise your just perpetuating the myth that blacks are woefully dumb and ignorant about verified history.
5. Zeitgeist is not your friend.
6. Save up some money and actually travel to Jerusalem, modern-day Turkey and Egypt. Who knows you might actually learn something.
7. You are hotep book learned. I have REAL WORLD exposure to the evidence through hands on research.

I've actually been to hagia Sophia in turkey, have you?