i always appreciate factual information. but i also value intellectually honest information. and saying skull and bones is simply a "college fraternity' and the masons are simply a "social fraternity' is not telling the full story imo.
just recently skull and bones put two presidents in the white house (a father and son mind you) and even had two of its members battle each other for the presidency in one election (kerry and bush jr). there was a Q&A at Univ of Florida a few years ago with john kerry as the main speaker and a student asked a question about the skull and bones and the kid got tasered and dragged out of the auditorium. so i dont think its accurate to describe skull and bones as just another college fraternity.
and the masons are just a social fraternity really breh?
there are many disinfo stories about the masons i agree, some spread by the church, others not.
but ive also gotten info straight from masons themselves about some of the crazy and underhanded shyt they've done in the past, are doing in the present, and have plans to do in the future.
but again i dont want to get too caught up in the term mason because i am talking about elite secret societies not just the masons. even here in nyc you have masons, freemasons, scottish rite, rosicrucian, etc, all elitist secret societies going by different names.
do you not believe elite secret societies exist?
and if so, do you believe their dealings to only be about mutual help? or do you believe they organize to try and affect social conditions as well?
me personally i think they do organize to affect social conditions, some genuinely for the betterment of society, some solely for the betterment of themselves, and others who do a little of both.
i can dig it
yeah that makes sense. members of an all-powerful elite secret society just happen to fork over their evil plans to the guy with a tin foil hat who's trying to survive on liquid chlorophyll and sun rays.
very convenient.