Thanks for the knighting.Projection is a wonderful thing, aint it? So here you are assailing me over my "narrative of victimhood", while you simultaneously sing the blues, and caterwaul over being called names because of your obnoxious opinions.
But you dont stop a flight of unwarranted ego run amok, you practically fit yourself for knighthood for having the "brass" to form your own opinions (which conveniently fall in lockstep with white male conservative groupthink of course).
In the context of this conversation, this "brass" as it were constitutes supporting and championing the violent activity of an unstable man, who stalked and caused a confrontation with an unarmed black juvenile innocently walking home. In Trayvon's short life he was w/o criminal record, which is more than we can say for the gun wielding Zimmerman, whose decisions that night directly caused the violent death of the unarmed black juvenile. Conservatives of course didnt think GZ so much as deserved to go to trial for his actions, instead deciding to put Trayvon on trial for his own death, which harkened back to the days of Emmett Till.
Yeah...thats some real bravery there, young man. Where are those medal of honors I can pin on you...."negroe"
You can't put zimmerman in jail because you don't know who threw the first punch, end of story.