Building a wall is literally not possible, nor does it solve anything. If you knew the distance from south Texas across the state and the terrain, this was never a true possibility. But of course trump supps eat it up
So what can be done realistically?
If we're interested in labor substitution...
Lawn care - >Roomba!
Construction -> Factory Built Housing
Farming ->more mechanization, more robots
Food Prep -> See Farming
Child Care -> Pay Better Wages/Drop expenses
Oh and "Black Jobs" (which is a lot of the above) - a lot of the both siders don't want to say that Mexicans and a lot of Illegal Aliens work the worst jobs - jobs that used to be staffed by ADOS Black Men specifically, ADOS Black People in General. Black Trump fans really want to be in the big house with Massa, but are totally fine being back in the fields.
In terms of the technology - only 1 in 4 engineering students ends up as an engineer
- Poor curriculum if we just want to create techies (Engineers still have to take a lot of unnecessary pre-reqs - like English and History, because we want them to be "well rounded")
- Weed out courses in Engineering (50% leave the major)
- A creaming system of grades and tiered colleges (unlike IT - certs matter, how much you passed the test by doesn't...or does it? *cue X-Files theme*)
- Jobs Unwilling to Hire New Grads/Unwilling to change (only 50% of engineering graduates actually become engineers/use their thing they trained 4 years for)
When you look at the top 10 industrial robot companies

10 Industrial Robot Companies That Lead the Industry
Learn in RoboDK's latest blog post the 10 industrial robot companies that lead the industry #robodk #robotics #robot #manufacturing #mfg #automation #industry #robotmachining
None of these are US based.
And ramble all you want about Boston Dynamics, that's now owned by Hyundai

Hyundai Motor Group Acquires Boston Dynamics | Boston Dynamics
Hyundai Motor Group, Boston Dynamics, and SoftBank announced completion of the HMG’s acquisition of a controlling interest in Boston Dynamics.

There are other huge factors along side this
- Raising Public School efficacy (School sucks as a way to socialize people, but it's the best thing the society has)
- Building more Housing (makes Child Care more possible to live on when the rents aren't sky high for would be child care workers)
- Better distribution for goods and services
- Better taxation/redistribution of profits
- Government Funding for Industrial Long shots that are not Defense
But the "net net" of this is that a lot of Fortune 500 and Rich Individuals/Families would take short term Ls. And for our oligarchic capitalists, long term W's don't make up for short term L's. And a government that works? A better social safety net? That flies in the face of everything that the US stands for...