What are yall pros and Cons with AEW?


Jun 23, 2015
Off the top of my head

Its gona push wwe to step it up
The elite
Jericho but hes lookn flabby
Ambrose even tho he stinks but fans like him
Tnt deal

Psychology word being thrown around lmao
Kliq like booking for the most part
Bad comedy its cac humor
Dave meltzer dikk riding them on n being on payroll...where he doesn't say shyt about the guy falling off the top rope on his spine
These fukkn neck beard fans that will dikk ride anything they do
Trannys n fags in the ring
Jobbers in the top of the deck(that 10 guy from nxt)
Jim ross stinks
Some of these matches have no story
Themes stink
Old fukks like mr ass n tommy dreamer
A bunch of 150 pound cacs wrestling
Limited roster(its early)
That faq Announcer wearing a mask
Indy jabronis that couldn't draw a dime


Apr 30, 2012
They book to their crowds
I like the sets
The championship is growing on me
Ambrose finding new life there
They book variety of styles and matches on their shows
Tnt deal makes them legit
They’re making wwe sweat
Press conferences (outside of name dropping wwe)

Cons: the music :hhh:

Good lord the music :hhh:

Not just the actual themes but the way it’s played on tv. The audio quality sounds indie AF

Lucha bros always losing to the elite (AAA doesn’t count)

Their constant referencing of the wwe

Still being a T-shirt company. They made a shirt of Cody destroying Trip’s Throne :unimpressed:

Young bucks

Kenny Omega

Jericho being on the main event


May 3, 2012
Pros - a young roster, high production, great tv distribution,

Cons - Entrance music audio, wrestlers running the show like WCW again


Sep 10, 2015
Dallas, Texas but living in Houston, Texas
It's a little too early since they haven't started their weekly shows yet.

Nonetheless some pros are:

A weekly show on a major cable network.
Young talented roster
Billionaire who is willing to spend money.
Talent is free to do whatever type of promos they want.

Active wrestlers who are running the company.

Playaz Eyez

Sep 2, 2015
- Feels like an actual alternative
- very engaged crowd
- the wrestlers themselves feel like they have something to prove
- seem to know exactly who their audience is

- theme music (I don't even notice it honestly)
- looks like only 2-3 black wrestlers on the roster
- too many tongue in cheek anti-WWE things. They shouldn't be doing that anymore, makes it low-rent like Impact when Voodoo Kin Mafia kept cutting those silly anti-WWE promos

All of these could vary once they have an actual weekly show to plan for.


Dum Shiny
May 1, 2012
SoCal State Beaches
I don't understand anyone who criticizes them for not having any storylines; if you've been paying attention to the shows and their YouTube series, they've been developing quite a few storyline strands to follow up on during the weekly television show. Other criticisms are kind of legitimate, but understandable as to why AEW is doing it, such as pushing Adam Page. He's probably be in the upper mid-card feuding with MJF properly if not for the Pac situation, but that seemingly forced them to switch around a lot of early storylines, resulting in Page being in the inaugural title match when he probably wasn't planned to be there at all.

As for my cons...

They really need to sort out their match style (overdoing the go-go-go kickout heavy style is going to burn out your audience quick; see WWE for reference) and sometimes how they structure matches as well. Not everything needs to be like Cody's matches, as seemingly Cornette and his little sycophant desires, but learning how to end on the highest note and why match types such as extended squashes and 7 minute formula TV matches exist would go a long way.

I'm not really sure what they're doing with the women's division yet, but as of right now the booking makes no real sense. I personally don't think Nyla Rose is at all ready, but push her strong if you're going to push her. Don't do this half-assed bullshyt they've been doing with her at DoN and Fyter Fest. Also, they just need better talent in general, as Britt Baker, Kylie Rae, Brandi, and Allie being the core of the division along with Nyla Rose just isn't going to cut it at all.

Building your tag division around a Best Friends/Super Smash Bros. feud is pure idiocy, particularly when you have the Bucks, SCU, Strong Hearts, Angelico/Jack Evans, Private Party, and the Lucha Bros. all right there just sort of having matches. The way it's been introduced, the way they've gone about the feud, selecting the SSB as the top heel tag team period, it all just seems woefully misconstrued. Maybe there will be more stuff when they get into the tag tournament, but it's not necessarily getting off to the best start outside of the ring (in the ring, they're prone to the match style issue as much as, if not more than, any other section of the roster).

Cody looks like he's totally going to do mid-late 1980s Dusty in WCW things with the book. :francis: Giving himself premier matches in prime spots and hogging a bunch of show time with his mediocre "epics." At least Dusty was an all-time great wrestler and character. Cody hasn't really failed in this position yet (not even at All In), but I'm always wary when this type of thing happens.

The comedy is very hit-or-miss, and certainly not for everyone. I totally understand why they're relegating it to the pre-show (to not hinder the more serious stuff they're doing in the main cards), but this is where having outright dark matches can really help them out. Do the comedy for the fans, workshop it by, say, releasing portions of the dark matches that work on the crowd on line on YouTube or some other platform, then figure out how you might want to integrate it into the program (Fyter Fest, in a sense, was an entire show of this, at least when it came to its parodic aspect). As of right now, while I had no problem with the Nakazawa/Jebailey match (anyone taking that seriously is a true idiot) or the Fyre Festival deal, the Librarian stuff dies a death with anyone who's not an AEW diehard (partially because Peter Avalon and Leva Bates aren't good wrestlers at all). They don't even necessarily need to change their style of humor, but they really need to figure out how to work that better for wide audiences.

On the whole though, I'm generally very optimistic about the whole endeavor. The developing storylines have my attention, the talent roster is great without being bloated, they have a very good mix of established talent, veterans, and fresh faces, they have a generally different tone from blatant focus-grouped WWE fakery, I love the concept of post-show press conferences and the reintroduction of time-limit draws (though some education of the audience will be needed for the latter)...they have a lot going for them, and I've quite enjoyed what they've put out so far. Every company has problems, but that doesn't mean they will absolutely hinder enjoyment of the overall product.

Cartier Murphy

Apathy’s a Tragedy & Boredom is a Crime
May 10, 2015
One of the biggest cons I have for them at the moment is that they don’t really try to introduce the viewer to who the talent is, you’re just assumed to know. Which to an extent I guess would be an accurate assumption when it comes to a majority of their fan base, but for a casual Indy wrestling fan like me, a good amount of the newer talent are unknowns and I’d need proper introductions to them, atleast a short commentary blurb about who that character is. They half did this with Darby Allin at FF by building up his debut and the match establishing him, but they undermined his debut with that dumb Shawn Spears angle. Making sure the audience knows who the principal stars are is especially gonna be important once they hit TV.

I think production needs work too. The music sucks, no themes really stand out or loop too early. The camera team seems uncoordinated and out of the loop for spots and could stand to have better communication on that end.

The Ruler 09

Jul 14, 2012

Not as scripted
Relatively small roster so will be a lot of new signings coming
Some great wrestlers, including some rejuvenated ones like Jon Moxley
More fan friendly/open ownership with Tony Khan
Jim Ross on commentary
Fresh so chance to make new stars
The YouTube promo type ish, it's a good way to make the matches mean more, they could do what they do then extra ish on YouTube, their promo packages have been good. Can be a good add on
Fans seem engaged in what they are doing, helps the shows
The post match ish I like, it gives it a sports feel in the sense a big event happens and there's an aftermath, happens in U.F.C/boxing etc, they could cleverly build some storylines that way too subtly


Too many false finishes and not ending matches on it's climax
Lack of depth to the roster (that will change)
Lack of major star power with some exceptions
Some matches are too long or too similar, there should be variety


Manchester United/Atletico Madrid
Jan 28, 2013
I think a LOT is going to change once they start doing a weekly show and start doing real work. We're not going to see the "real" AEW until 2020, I'm sure. But going off of the two shows they've had and their two weekly YouTube shows...

- Kenny Omega. Best Bout Machine. :manny:

- Jon Moxley. Brings a lot of eyes to the product and adds an even bigger shot of credibility than Jericho did.

- A roster of almost entirely young unknowns. This is how you start a new promotion. A handful of name guys on top with a mid-card full of quality unknown (to the mainstream) talent. I've seen comments on here along the lines of "lol who are these guys" but I don't see anything wrong with it. It's a new company with a lot of new faces. No preconceived notions about who someone is or what someone can/can't do or them being a failure or reject from somewhere else when you're working with unknowns.

- A legit tag team division that will be treated just as important as the heavyweight division. Bucks, Luchas, SCU, Angelico & Evans, Best Friends, Private Party, possibly LAX... :wow: They better give us that Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus team, too. WCW had the cruiserweights, TNA had the X-Division... the tag division could be AEW's calling card.

- Pushing Hangman Page. I think Page is great, but he's the least over member of the Elite crew and I think they might have a potential Roman Reigns situation on their hands by putting him on top so soon.

- No partnership with NJPW. I think both companies would benefit GREATLY from making this happen.

- I'm kinda worried about the comedy factor. 'The Road to...' series on Cody's YouTube channel shows they can do amazing promos and video packages for ANYONE on their roster but these guys are known for their sense of humor. Tony Khan has said he doesn't want to focus on comedy, but I have a feeling (and I hope I'm wrong) that AEW won't be able to help themselves. That doesn't mean you can't have comedy. Wrestling is a variety show, but I hope it's toned down a lot from what they do on BTE. If it's kept mostly to the pre-shows though (like at Fyter Fest with the Librarians and the Nakazawa match), it could be fine.

- Nyla Rose. I just don't think it's going to work.

A lot of your pros are actually cons and the first Con you listed is actually a pro.

Adam Page is a fantastic worker, believable and better all round pro wrestler as a package than Kenny Omega. Omega works good and that's it, he acts corny, His voice sounds corny, his facial expressions are corny and as a result his promos are corny. Same goes for the young bucks.

The young bucks continually butcher kayfabe. They did the press conferences after the last PPV and MJF maintains kayfabe and is fantastic during it, the young bucks then break kayfabe during the press conference talking about the chair shot to Cody and how the chair was supposed to be 'gimmicked' It looks so dumb to have some people maintain kayfabe and others break kayfabe during the press conferences.

Young Buck matches are not good.
Typical indie formula of just jumping from spot to spot.

The best friends are a corny tag team and angelico and jack Evans are the same, indie spot wrestlers.

I don't want to see no luchassaurus, what a dumb gimmick. More corny indie shyt. Next they will sign that MJ impersonator wrestler.
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Jan 8, 2014
Dallas, TX
Pros: Another wrestling company
Cons: Clearly trying to compete with the WWE instead of carving out their own niche.

Their first event was a big success but their last one got a lot of criticism, which goes to show that the honeymoon period will be short when they debut on tv. They basically are a rest haven for mid-carders who want to be main eventers.

Kidd Dibiase

Nov 23, 2013

Its new
They're starting out big


All the matches feel the same
Lack of hoss wrestlers

Rell Lauren

Nov 30, 2016

  • WWE is having to get their act together. Heyman and Bischoff hires show they're not on cruise control anymore.
  • Cronyism is the name of the game. Cody is featuring himself as predicted. The Best Friends are mainstays in the tag division. Shawn Spears is being pushed early.
  • Nyla Rose has no business being featured in the women's division.
  • Jim Ross is washed up.
  • The fans. They're incapable of calling the AEW product bad.
  • The shows are Indy high school gym garbage.


May 18, 2015

Putting established talent in the ring with young guys and letting the young guys shine. This was more of a thing at Fyter Fest than DON, but having Darby Allin take Cody to the limit, and Joey Janella main event with Ambrose is the type of shyt you'd never see in WWE or even ROH/TNA at this stage.

An interesting collection of talent.

Their Road To... hype vids and character videos are unlike what any other company is doing. Weird since Being The Elite is so trash.

In ring freedom. Pretty clear talent can do whatever the fukk they want in the ring and aren't being micro managed at all. They let guys get their characters over through the matches.


Their comedy is the worst. BTE is terribly unfunny, their comedy hardcore match was terribly unfunny, their comedy spots in the battle royals have been terrible, and they ran a whole show as a parody of a 2 year old meme music festival that had faded from the zeitgeist so much that most people didn't even realize what they were doing a parody of and just thought they were doing something terrible.

Bucks/Omega are TERRIBLE at promos/backstage/interviews. It doesn't matter the context, either. It can be a serious promo, an out of character media thing, serious or comedy backstage segment, they're just fukking awful at speaking to anyone about anything. Cody should be handling ALL of the promos and media stuff, but he can't do promos for them for their matches.

Fyter Fest had multiple instances of booking in a way that went counter to what they were trying to do with the match. Darby Allin kills himself and takes Cody to the limit in what should be a star making match, but it's immediately undercut by a WWE jobber blasting Cody in the head with a chair and doing a concussion angle to the point where it completely overshadowed anything Darby did and you left the match only thinking about Cody. It was a similar thing with Mox/Janella where after 20 minutes of Janella killing himself, you left the match forgetting he even existed because of the Omega/Mox stuff.

The entire women's division. Outside of the joshi girls, it's fukking terrible. Nyla Rose is garbage and two shows in they've portrayed her as the dominant force of the division only to immediately undercut it at DON with Awesome Kong and having her get pinned by a woman 150 pounds smaller than her at FF. Brittney Baker sucks, Allie sucks, Brandi sucks in the ring, not Bayley wasn't very impressive either. They made a big deal about how they were going to pay the women equal to the men* (*as long as they were used in the same position on the card, and it's obvious the women they have now are never going to be close to the main events), how important their division is going to be, and it might as well be Women of Honor tier trash. Honestly they played themselves hyping up their women's division like they were doing the Women's Revolution thing but WWE, who were already behind the times, have pretty much all the female talent in the US, 3 of the best from Japan, the best from the UK, and are willing to put them in main events on TV, PPV, and even Wrestlemania. Also Leva Bates is maybe the worst wrestler I've ever seen.

Jim Ross. He's old and terrible, has no passion left, doesn't get any of the references the talent and other announcers make, and was clearly regretting his decision to join the company during multiple things on Fyter Fest.