Erick Sermon was in his production bag on this....
definitely…I was just banging “hittin switches” a couple days ago which probably dropped around the same time as her shyt and the production on that still holds up extremely well

Erick Sermon was in his production bag on this....
definitely…I was just banging “hittin switches” a couple days ago which probably dropped around the same time as her shyt and the production on that still holds up extremely well
I listened to Stunts, Blunts and Hip-hop last night
Been on a DITC kick this summer for some reason. Extremely underrated catalog from that campOne of my favorite albums of all-time.
Haven't stopped playing that since it dropped.
I still play E's first two solo albums weekly.
Those are classics to me.
Been on a DITC kick this summer for some reason. Extremely underrated catalog from that camp
I still play E's first two solo albums weekly.
Those are classics to me.
I'll go on record to say "No Pressure" holds up to ANY EPMD album.