...and that proves God exists how?
You're riding on that Bill O'Reilly nonsense wagon right now.
"Tide goes in, tide goes out, can't explain that."
...and that proves god exists, how?
No one is living with "blind faith" that they were created randomly. People who believe in the big bang don't do it on blind faith. We do it on the basis of how well it fits in with existing cosmological models. If we find something that will drastically alter its conformity, then the theory will change. Simple as that.
All you're doing is falling back on the same old medieval argument. "I don't know, therefore Jesus."
This sentence pretty much tells everyone everything they need to know about you:
Yep. pretty much falls right into the whole pidgeonholing thing. "Why question these things? We already know everything we need to know. Forever."
Who the cares if Galileo believed in God? Maybe he did. But he certainly didn't let God get in the way of discovering an objective scientific truth.
But you know what his Galileo's detractors said to him? Same shyt you're saying to me right now.
"We already know. It was already given to us. Why are you questioning this?"
Galileo would at you if he were alive.
"Christians seem happier to me, therefore Jesus."
i didnt say happier now did it. see there. you still dont get it. and i said MATURE christians. there's a difference.
and when did i say we should not explore things? i didnt. i said NOTHING is NEW under the sun.
everything we now know. was already here before we knew it.
example. we calculate the speed of light.
guess who knew what the speed of light was before human's figured it out?
space, and the speed of light knew. thats who. and thats assuming you dont believe in God at all.
there is NOTHING NEW..under the sun.
everything we find out has been here waiting for us to FIND OUT. we are playing in the sandbox full of sand that was already here before we got here. and because we say "OOO LOOKIE I FOUND SAND." am i supposed to act like we created something from scratch? we cant create anything from SCRATCH> everything we create. we are using chemicals, rules/laws that were already in place before we even tried to create whatever it is we think we're creating.
we are playing with God's legos. he dropped them on the floor for us to figure things out. thats a part of his creation.
here ya go. figure it out.
i tell people all the time. if Adam and Even never touched that apple. we would still be here. we would still have the same brains. the difference would be. we would not have stress, anxiety, etc holding back our thought process. God had adam naming animals. what does that tell you? Here, play with the legos. name them whatever you like.
science class started a long time ago. GOd isnt anti science. some people are. science. i'm talking TRUE science, ist anti GOD.
the discovery of his creations will increase ones desire to know him. the discovery of his creations will increase ones faith that already had limited faith in him.
you say "we found the God particle, God doesnt exist"
a believer says "we found your particle God, The creator does exist and now we found the match you used to start the fire."
Creator -one that creates usually by bringing something new or original into being
no human being or animal that we know of on earth has that ability.
but even science says, at some point there was nothing, and at some point there was space/the universe as we know it. now if that isnt "bringing something new or original into being" i dont know what is.
it doesnt get any newer then bringing something from nothing.