Antoni is truly fukking scum. In his conversation with Draka he realized he could profit from her ideas. Simply put, this guy only looks after himself. It really shows why the church is falling apart.
Although I was wondering when and his men would come back. Sure enough, they came back for the book, which it is now in Draka's hands. As mentioned before, with Oczy it was his eyesight. For Draka it is her memorization. I've to admit that it was bold of her to burn the book, but it saved her life and made for a great bargaining chip.
Essentially, Schmitt's ideology is not based on logic. For instance, someone must have created this world. Therefore, God must exist. How he created a world doesn't matter because that is beyond our understanding. This different from Rafal, Oczy and Badeni who sought out the truth. This is more the opposing side of the church. Where the church comes to love God and follow his teachings. Throughout this series though we have noticed that the church would execute those that go against their teachings. The desire to not want conflict like that makes sense. As Draka mentions, technology can improve our lives. Once again, there has to balance.
The scene of the sun is rather interesting. Schmitt views that as God, but Draka despises it. Honestly, I can imagine for Draka who had a tough life the sun illuminates all. For Draka who probably wants to hide, she would hate the sun. I am curious how much Schmitt understands the mission he is tasked with. Considering he doesn't know what is written, it makes me wonder what he would think after reading it. Although the theory the world revolves around the sun would be something he would favor.
Though for printing the book, the idea is to liberate information. Which gives us a hint who the leader is and it is Jolenta. I am rather curious how this Jolenta is since it's been so long since we have seen her in the story. It makes sense that she would want to liberate and make information known. I get the feeling Schmitt cares more about going against the church. His character intrigues me because I just feel like there is bound to be a future conflict between him and Jolenta unless Jolenta has noticeably changed.