The animation was spectacular at the beginning during the fight between Oczy and Nowak. Of course, Nowak had reinforcements and Oczy would have won if this was a true one on one. Man Oczy's words of the fear of death means nothing compared to the fear of putting hope in this world. It simply implies that putting hope in the world feels so hopeless now. You need to strive to make that change. Though I loved the quote in Oczy's dream of if you don't make it public, how can they debate it? Again, the idea of you need to make the push to make the change. I am not sure what to make of Oczy's dream, but that feels like that is the tower one would use to reach heaven. Or something like that.
Nowak's dialogue why heretics keep coming is honestly fascinating when you consider that he can only see it from his POV. He talks about living the good and quiet life, we can reach heaven. He even blames Oczy for fighting for his convictions and killing his men. However, if you spin it around, what is wrong with seeking our freedom to study what we wish? Why do you have to raise the issue, which is the real reason Nowak's men lost their lives? Even if Badeni and Oczy are wrong, what is wrong in that if you can prove they are wrong? Essentially, the church is truly a cult in this story.
Sadly, Badeni was captured, but despite that, there are signs that he has grown. In the first part, he doesn't out Jolenta, which the old Badeni would have no hesitation to do. With the speculation from Nowak that is hiding something. That lie about not collaborating with Jolenta partially can possibly mean that Badeni is now open to passing on his work, and his conversation had a big effect on him. Which could be the reason why he got captured. But man, seeing the character development of both Oczy and Badeni has been a treat.
Honestly, it shouldn't be a surprise that Rafal's decision still sticks in Nowak's mind. I imagine he isn't much older than Jolenta and threw away his future for the sake of what he believes in. The fact, if he faces his daughter, what will be on his mind. Despite Badeni's best attempts, it's difficult to trick Nowak from getting anything out of a torture session. I doubt these two survive, but curious how it goes next.