All Star
Jigo ended today. Solid episode overall. Yuzuhira offering up a nice thought as a cliff hanger What if Gabimaru's wife isn't real. Add that his memory loss at the end of the episode put things at an interesting point.
Here we got 41 - 44 adapted along with a bit of 45 as well. Few notes regarding about this episode coming from a manga reader perspective.
If you want to read the manga I would start at Ch. 36 and then move to Ch. 44. More then likely I expect either Winter or Spring 2024 to be when S2 airs.
All things considered solid adaptation. Not the best of Mappas work but for most other studios this would be considered a solid adaptation. Like I mentioned before animation needs to be more consistent in S2/pt 2 as it becomes more fight centric.
Here we got 41 - 44 adapted along with a bit of 45 as well. Few notes regarding about this episode coming from a manga reader perspective.
Cour 2 I assume would start at Ch. 36 following the after credits scene in this episode. Also imo they need to come back to Ch. 44 and Shion give his full explanation to the group as it got cut out assuming they wanted to finish with the cliff hanger of what if Gabimaru's wife isn't real. Those details are very important. Without them the fight scenes coming up are confusing.
If you want to read the manga I would start at Ch. 36 and then move to Ch. 44. More then likely I expect either Winter or Spring 2024 to be when S2 airs.
All things considered solid adaptation. Not the best of Mappas work but for most other studios this would be considered a solid adaptation. Like I mentioned before animation needs to be more consistent in S2/pt 2 as it becomes more fight centric.