Speaking of Jojo's How would you rank the artstyles?
I would put part 2 & 4 as the best, then 1 & 3, then part 5
Part 5 is one of the best parts in other aspects but it's not seeing the other parts artstyle-wise
Thoughts? @Bucciarati Joestar and others
Can one of you brehs explain the time line to Jo Jo, a few years back I watched diamond cutter and now on Netflix they have additional two seasons prior to diamond cutter and the animation looks old?
What's the continuity? If there is one or are these stand alone seasons with different characters and stories.
Gundam Unicorn worth watching?
Code Geass is quite
The internet says there's supposed to be a S3 movie. But I don't see it.
shyt isn't even the worst thing about it. It's the direction. These dudes are just soulessly animating manga panels and rushing through the material but it feels like they don't connect to or understand it.This OPM animation is terrible
Not really slowed down alot watching anime more so that I can binge em instead of waiting week to week
Wise man grandchild is action and that poo poo trash u love it's not heavy on the romance as I thought it would be but its been pretty good for me so far
Yu-no: a girl who chants love at the bound of this world - that shyt is on some rezero shyt maybe even more disturbing at least In the first couple episodes once that reset shyt happens it's like but I dont find it nowhere near as good as rezero to be Frank if ep 6 dont do enough I'm dropping this shyt
Those only 2 new ones I'm watching oh forgot
We never learn- this is similar to quintessential quintuplets anime that came out last season but not on that level of goodness that I loved on that show but I only watched 2 eps but its decent
Those 3 anime has that SOL u love