I'm on episode 27 I think.
I'm enjoying it but compared to stardust it's trash.
Enemies are forgettable
Story predictable
Protagonist linear the only interesting thing about jouske is he comes off as an a$$hole but they haven't even really explored that besides in the motorbike episode.
Even the humour isn't as good in this season.
6/10 so far unless the last few episodes suddenly become amazing
Oh and flying photo ghosts beyond corny
My fault for attacking you earlier. Just thought you were shytting on it with no reason.
I recommend to keep watching because it gets better, in my opinion. I can't say I prefer Part 4 over 3 or vice versa. It's been a while since I seen part 3.
The only thing I know is Part 1 is my least favorite.
By the end of series Kira won't be forgettable, again, keep watching.
Josuke isn't an a$$hole though. He comes off that way with Rohan because those two have a rivalry.
As for humor, nothing in part 4 can match Joseph's oh my godddddd
The ghost photo is what makes JoJo's adventure so
bizzare but yeah I agree its corny.