mmmm Can i get a quote on that line? Lets deal with actual scripture lines. This is obviously true but lets not allow your words to be scripture.
I give you John 14:6
there are no exceptions given
please show me some if there are.
mmmm Can i get a quote on that line? Lets deal with actual scripture lines. This is obviously true but lets not allow your words to be scripture.
Baptized in the word, water is symbolic.
He never really answers the questions. So for everyone who never heard of Jesus, we are judged on our actions. That if we commit sins we are damned to hell. However, the person who heard of Jesus is absolved of that sin and doesn't go to hell. His view doesn't solve the issue at all. If anything it only exasperates the issue. If God judges some people based purely on their actions and others purely on their belief in him then the unfairness issue would still exist.
I'm sure the Amazon tribes who have not had any contact with the modern world would love to have all their sins absolved simply by believing. Remember that is the key to salvation in Christianity. Its based on belief. It seems unfair for God to judge some people based on their actions and other on simple belief.
Why shouldn't everyone be judged on whether they sin rather than Christians who believe getting a free pass because they believe?
regardless how you do it if you are not baptized then you can not get it in.
regardless how you do it if you are not baptized then you can not get it in.
Thats up to God. The speculation is pointless.
no seriously sit down.
I give you John 14:6
there are no exceptions given
please show me some if there are.
even if you want to take a "technical" approach you're incorrect.
For god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son so that whoever believes in him may not perish but have everlasting life.
in no way shape or form does THAT verse imply that is the ONLY way to get into heaven.
Even... "no shall come to the father except through me" TECHNICALLY only means that JC will do the advocating for you. Doesn't mean you have to KNOW him, only that no one will get to god without him...
Brown pride show me some quotes from the bible that says people who are unbaptized in the christian faith get into heaven.
John 14:6 says if you do not know jesus then you can not gain access to god so where do unbaptized children fall into this.
So all the tribes in the Amazon who have never come in contact with the modern world are damned?
Stupid Christian logic.
The only way to get into heaven is through Jesus
lets bring up John 3:3
Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God
jesus yet again saying that unless you accept him then you can not enter heaven.
David's baby would like to have a word with you when you get to heaven.
WATER baptism is symbolic hell even John the BAPTIST knew that.
Outside of that again, you should probably reserve judgment and leave that up to the judge.
I never brought up water i just used the word baptized. I understand the water is symbolic but people usually baptize babies after they are born. Do you not understand that?
again you're doing a lot of reading into things. he also said "man" not child.
again safer to let the judge judge. You just "do your part" and spread the gospel.